Chapter 22

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The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh

King POV

It has been three days since the news interview. I keep praying and having hope that my best friend will come home safely. Until then I can't lay around and do anything. I still have a life. I've already spent the last couple of months doing nothing, it is time to get back on my grind.

I hopped out of bed and went straight towards the shower. I let the warm water cascade my body. As I started to lather my body up with Dove Men Hydration. I let it wash away all my sorrows and pain that I have experienced for almost the last 9 months.

The b.s. that I went through this past year is enough to break a brother down. You can say 2016 has been the worst year for me and America. This world is getting out of pocket and it's going to get worse with this new president and the new fhotus (first hoe of the United States). Barack and Michelle will forever be my POTUS and FLOTUS. In a way, they were my parents because I grew up with them. I'm not going to say they did everything right but the good always outweighs the bad. It shows that a black man can be more than a deadbeat father or somebody slanging dope on the corner. He broke the stereotypes that black men are not all bad. And don't get me started on Michelle. That's my girl. She will forever be classy. She's like wine, improves with age. Have you noticed all the first ladies looked like ran down gremlins, looking old and like dried out prunes? While Michelle looks like a queen and the next first hoe looks the devil. They will be missed.

I turned the shower off and dried off my body. I went back in the room to lotion up. I don't know about y'all but I don't understand why boys don't lotion up. I know their legs feel fire with all the ash. I went to my walk in closet and looked for something to wear.

 I went to my walk in closet and looked for something to wear

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Settled with what I wearing, I sprayed on some Polo cologne. I looked in mirror ya boy looked good.

(I've decided to change King's character

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(I've decided to change King's character. Instead of Jason Verrett, King will be Lance Gross and Jason Verrett will instead play Marcus. When I go back edit the other chapters I'll change it)

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