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I peeled open my blue eye to see Malik shaking me ferociously, trying to wake me up on this fine morning. 

"Fucking finally," he mumbled as he removed his hands from my shoulders. "Wake up. We're going to be late."

Oh yeah. Today I start my new high school; Bronze Valley High. Thanks to Joselyn. She just had to go out with another drug addicted asshole from New York City. I guess she'd had enough so we moved out to 'nice and safe Manhattan', as she called it. Just to set things straight, I do not like Joselyn. At all. I almost hate her. Almost. I thank the greek gods that that lazy devil is not my real mother. Otherwise I would be somewhere far, far away on a very high cliff.

I looked around my new room as a woke myself up from a short night of sleep. I unpacked a little bit of my room last night because I couldn't sleep. I have a hard time sleeping in new places. I know, weird. The walls were a light shade of grey, which I actually really liked, and there were a couple empty boxes in the corner that used to be filled with clothes and bedding. There were still a good number of full boxes sitting around too.

I finally mustered up enough energy to slither out of bed and get dressed. I was very tempted to wear my usual sweatpants and t-shirt, but I didn't think that would be a very good first impression outfit so I settled for my maroon hoodie and light wash jeans.

I attacked my hair with a brush after getting dressed. It was always a disgusting mess in the morning. When I was finished and my mane was tamed enough, I slipped on my Vans and walked to the kitchen.

I peeked my head into the living room and I saw Joselyn was till sleeping soundly on the sofa. She had a blanket swept over her legs and her almost brown hair was very disheveled as she snored quietly. I smiled at the fact she couldn't bother me this morning.

The kitchen was still a mess with moving boxes all over the place and pots and pans scattered on the dusty counters. Malik heard my footsteps and turned his head over his shoulder to see me plopped down at the island in a swivel chair with my hands propped under my face.

"Morning," he said as he returned to the toaster.

"Mornin'," I replied lazily.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Good,"I answered. "How about you?"

"I slept fantastic." he said as he turned back to me with a peanut butter bagel on a paper plate. "I dreamt of a world where no one is running late. So obviously, you weren't there."

"You do love me!" I said as I took a bite of my favorite food, peanut butter. I ignored his previous comment about me always being late. My tongue exploded with yummy flavors. Breakfast made mornings not so unbearable

"Yeah, yeah. But really, we have to leave." he said as he picked his backpack up and headed to the door with his keys in hand.

I rolled my eyes but stuffed the bagel in my mouth as I picked up my own backpack and followed him out.


No, I was not nervous about starting at a different high school. Sure it was my senior year, but this isn't the first time I've switched schools. When I moved in with Jos, I had to switch high schools. Doing it with Malik helped too. I love having a twin. It's just as they say, you're built in with a best friend, it's great. Yeah, he can be very annoying and over protective and shit, but I deal with it because he's all I got.

As we pulled into Bronze Valley High School's parking lot, my jaw slacks. This school was huge. No scratch that, enormous. No scratch that, hugnormous. Yeah, I know that's not a word, but I had to make one up, that's how big this school was.

As we entered the high schools ground I immediately noticed the cliques. This school had them too. What school didn't? The obvious one was the populars, guys and girls. The others you kinda had to search for. Sorta. There's the goths, the nerds, the musicians, the goody-goodies, the semi populars, and oh, let's not forget the outcasts. Which right now, was where Malik and I stood. He always had a easier time transitioning because he's so good at football. Stupid genes and me being uncoordinated.

Malik finally found a parking spot in the back of the humongous parking lot. We both got out and met at the back of his car and started to walk to get to the entrance of our new hell hole.

"When are football tryouts?" I asked.

"Friday, 3 to 5:30," he replied. "Are you gonna watch?"

"Mhmmmm," I hummed as I sidestepped two kids making out. Honestly, can't some people just get a room? Not everyone wants to see them sucking faces.

"Good. I probably wouldn't do very good if my favorite sister wasn't there," he remarked as he smirked like the smart ass twin he is.

"I'm your only sister," I said with a smirk of my own.

"Which is why you're my favorite!" His smirk widened into a cheeky smile.

I was too busy being sarcastic and shaking my head with Malik that I wasn't looking in front of me and I collided with a human.

I took a step back and looked up to see who I ran into. Or what, I should say. This girl looked more plastic than anything else.

When I looked up, I was met with  green eyes, platinum blonde hair and boobs. Lots of that.

"Watch where you're going, bitch," she spat. Woah, woah, woah. Did she just call me a bitch? It's just as equally her fault we accidentally bonked together. It's not like I walk around looking for people to crash into on purpose. It's called an accident for a reason. But this barbie was looking at me like I had just spat in her Starbucks coffee she was holding in between her perfectly french manicured fingernails.

I scrunched my eyebrows. I was about to let her have it but then Malik stepped in.

"She's sorry," he said with a smile that didn't show his teeth. I glared at him for speaking for me.

"Of course she is," she spat again and then clicked away again in her 4 inch stilettos with the rest of her little clones. Who wears heels to school?

I guess I just met The Wasps of this school. Yeah, The Wasps. That's what I nickname the bitches of the schools I've attended. That one seemed to be Queen Bee. Great, we are already off to a fabulous start.

I continued walking but I didn't look at Malik as I spoke. I kept my eyes ahead of me just in case I met another dork that wanted to make my morning worse.

"Why'd you butt in?" I said slightly irritated. " I could've said sorry."

"Said sorry?" He repeated in disbelief. "Please, I could see the anger burning in your eyes. The last thing on your mind was to say sorry."

"Whatever," I mumbled defeated as we walked into the entrance of my new torture facility.



Hey guys, it's Kait. This is my first book and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it but here's the first chapter.  I know this chapter was a little short but hopefully they will lengthen as we go. The photo above is of our very only Adrian White.

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