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Sunrose: *in human form*Hello and welcome to Let's Talk Nintendo! The first guest is*drumrolls on table* Starlow!!
Starlow: HELLO YELLO!!
Sunrose: So how does it feel to be on this show?
Starlow: Awseome! What are the rules?
Sunrose:*in 'I am the boss' voice* Every 3 chapters we do a game. Every 2 chapters we do a dare by a user, like say, me! *holds up rope*. If you try to kill me or destroy this room I will tie you up to that*points at a tree*.
Starlow: *shivers*
Sunrose: Yeah, it is getting a bit cold in here... I'm gonna turn off the AC.
Starlow: No I'm just scared that your going to tie me up anyway.
Sunrose: WUT!?! I would never do that to a sweet wittle spwite wike you!!*squeezes Starlow like a fangirl*
Starlow: *blushes* I feel like someone is backstage.
Sunrose: That is the next character!
Next time I will choose both the dare and the character just because!

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