chapter 1

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Your POV

I sat in a car not knowing where I was brought to. I just fell asleep trough the car ride. It felt like it took forever, but we're finally here.
I got out the car and stoot there, with my stuff before the port. I started walking and with that, it started to rain! I looked up at the sky and hurryed to the front door. I knocked on the door, but there was no-one to answer it. Then the door suddenly opened and I started walking in, cearfully. "Hello! Is there someone?!" I asked with a loud voice. No answer.

I heard a small voice in the distence. It was a boys on I think. I started walking to the soft and nice sounded voice. A lightnigh outside that lighted the hall. "Don't worry Teddy, we're safe in here." The voice said when I came closer. A boy with purple hair and a teddybear sat on a beanch in the hallway. "He-hello..." I was cut off by the boys cold look that could kill people with ease. "I-I'm sorry if I interupt you but-........." the boy just keeps looking at me with his cold killer eyes. "Is this the Sakamaki mansion?"
"Why do you want to know that?" The boy said with a zombie like, but surprisingly high voice. "B-because I-I was send here by my aunt and uncle. They said that you could take better cear of me."
"Your humans are so,..... annoying. What do people think this is? An orphanage or something? Right, Teddy?"
"Kanato. We don't talk to our guests like that." Someone behinde me said. I jumped of surprise and turned around. "My name is Reiji Sakamaki. I'm sorry if he did or said something rude."
"Hey, I'm not like Ayato you know?!!" The boy with the teddybear said with a loud and agerly voice. "Yes, I know that, Kanato. Whould you please follow me? The others are waiting for you."
"But, what about my stuff?"
"Or man will take cear of that." I looked behinde me where a butler taked my stuff and walked backwards the darkness in. I started following Reiji and let the boy behinde me, who's eyes I could feel burn in my back.........

*heya minna! I hope this is a good begining! I do my best to writ it in Englisch and let it still be a good story. Hope you guys could see everything happening before your eyes, because that's what I want to give people. Not only something to read, but something to see happen for there eyes. I came up with this story special for Betrayed_Heart. Hope I spelled it the right way ^3^. BE YOURSELF EVERYONE XXXXXXD!!!!!!!*

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