Tortoise and the bowl of hot porridge

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In Yoruba land tortoise is known as"IJAPA" so i will only use ijapa when writing. Enjoy while reading
One day ijapa went to visit his mother'in-law because she was sick. When he got to his mother's in-law house he couldn't find her anywhere. So he decided to wait for her. As he was waiting,he perceived a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He decided to check what was emitting such aroma. As he entered the kitchen he saw porridge cooking on the fire. Because ijapa was so hungry, he decided to take some out of the porridge but he didn't know where to put it he decided to put it in his cap.
    And during those days ijapa had plenty hair. As he was pouring the hot porridge in his cap, he heard his mother's in-law's voice. Not knowing what to do he hurriedly wore the cap. He greeted his mother in-law and asked about her health. Unknown to the mother in-law that he had stolen some porridge, she offered him some porridge to eat which he refused. She continued talking to him but he didn't reply because he was feeling uncomfortable due to the hot porridge on his head. After briefly saying goodbye he ran out of the house like he was on fire. By the time he got to a safe distance and removed his cap, it was too late he had already lost all his due to the hot porridge
       That's why ijapa doesn't have any hair till date.

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