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Me: Yep. Like I said, Another Preciousmetalshipping story. It will have a slight Bugsy X Gold scene. I hope you guys don't mind. ^^; Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story! R&R!
Update (07/13/20): I probably should have said this, but I'm gonna say something right now. In this case, Gold and Silver are 17 while Bugsy is 16. Hopefully the FBI won't be call- *hears FBI sounds* Oh shi- *runs for dear life*

Gold looked at himself in the mirror. Does Silver think of him as cute? Does he like him? Gold's eyes burned and he felt tears but he wiped them off with his sleeve. He walked out of his room but was shocked when he saw Lyra jump on him. "Hi, Gold!" Lyra said. "Hey, Lyra..." Gold said quietly. "Why the sad face?" Lyra said. "I don't want to talk about it..." Gold said. "Alright..." Lyra said, making a pouty face. "Is there a reason why you jumped on me?" Gold said. "Because I want to tell you something really exciting!" Lyra squealed in happiness. "And what is that?" Gold said in confusion. "You, Me, and Silver are invited to the dance hall for the New year's day dance!" Lyra said. Gold's eyes widened. 'A dance?! No way!' Gold thought in his head. "Whoa! Really?" Gold said. Lyra handed him a blue invitation card and Gold took it out of Lyra's hand. Gold opened the invitation card. Lyra was right! He, Lyra, and Silver were invited to the dance! "Whoa! But don't you need a date?" Gold said. "Yep!" Lyra said. "Who is your date?" Gold said. "Calem!" Lyra said. "Cool." Gold said. "I don't have a date." Gold said. "I'm pretty sure you will find one." Lyra said with a smile. Gold smiled back. "It's tomorrow! Be dressed tomorrow! It starts at 5:30 PM!" Lyra said and left the room. Gold faked a smile. "I will find a date..." Gold said quietly.

The next day...

Gold woke up and looked at his clock. It was 7:30 AM. It was New year. "Crap...." Gold got up and took a shower. For the rest of day, Gold did his usual routine. Gold looked at the clock. It was 5:22 PM! "Oh crap!" Gold yelled and ran to his closet to get ready. He put on a tuxedo. He removed his hat and put it in his bag. He sent out Typhlosion out of it's pokeball. Typhlosion helped Gold with his hair. Typhlosion combed and brushed it really well. "Thanks, Typhlosion. Return!" Gold said and returned it to it's pokeball. Gold put on his bag and his pokeballs in his pockets and headed out.

Once he got to the dance hall, He took a deep breath and went inside. Gold was amazed. It looked so fancy. It even had a water fountain outside. He saw everyone with their pokemon. He bumped into Bugsy, The Bug Type gym leader. "Hey, Bugsy." Gold said. "Hiya, Gold!" Bugsy said in joy. Bugsy was with his Scyther. "How's your training?" Gold said. "It's going good!" Bugsy said. "Do you have a date?" Gold said. "Nope. I decided to come alone." Bugsy said. "Oh." Gold said. "Yeah...It sucks." Bugsy said. "I don't have a date either." Gold said. "Oh..." Bugsy said. "Yeah..." Gold said. "Hey! Let's look around the place together!" Bugsy said. "S-Sure." Gold said and they looked around the dance.

There was a big table with a big bowl of fruit punch and snacks like chips, cookies, cupcakes, and candy. There were even cups next to the punch. There was even a chocolate fountain next to the punch. The walls were golden as Gold's golden eyes. The floor was covered by a big, red velvet carpet. The carpet was very soft. The tiles of the floor were brown as chocolate.

"Some fancy, huh?" Bugsy said. "This is a cool place I seen!" Gold said. "Yep! I agree with you!" Bugsy said. They saw some people dancing. Gold saw the people dancing. Yep. They were dancing. Just then, a red hair boy walked right past him. Gold gasped soflty as he saw who the red hair boy was...


Gold looked at him. "Hey, You like him, do you?" Bugsy said. Gold began to blush madly. "N-No!" Gold said stuttering. "Are you sure?" Bugsy said with a smirk. Gold blushed and sighed and took Bugsy somewhere private.

Gold took a deep breath. Bugsy then put his left hand on Gold's right cheek. "Look...I do like him...No! I love him!" Gold said after calming down. Bugsy looked at him with worried eyes. Then a small blush appeared on his face. "Bugsy?" Gold said. "Gold....I..." Bugsy began but stopped. "Bugsy, What's wrong?" Gold said. "I...I also love you..But you like Silver..." Bugsy said quietly. Gold looked at him with worried eyes and gave Bugsy a kiss on the lips. Bugsy blushed at that. Bugsy slowly closed his eyes. They were like that for a while. Until they broke apart. "I like you, too..." Gold said. Bugsy stared at him and did a small smile. "Go..Go ask him to dance with you..." Bugsy said. "Actually, I want to surprise him..." Gold said. "Oh...?" Bugsy said. Gold reached out his bag and took out a golden dress with red velvet ribbons. The dress was even covered in glitter. "Gold....Why would you have this...?" Bugsy said. "I want to...surprise Silver...with this..." Gold said. Bugsy stared at him. "I need your help...Bugsy. I need you to help me put this on." Gold said. "A-Alright..." Bugsy said and went to the Men's bathroom.

Silver was drinking his fruit punch. "I don't have a date...So why was I invited here?" Silver said to himself. He kept drinking his fruit punch. He waited for someone to ask him for a date but no one came. Silver sighed in sorrow. He had no one to dance with.

In the bathroom...

Bugsy put the dress on Gold. Making sure it fitted him. It did. Bugsy was doing the final touch. "There. You're ready." Bugsy said. Bugsy gave Gold a little kiss on the cheek. "You want me to help you leaving the bathroom?" Bugsy asked. "Y-Yeah...." Gold said blushing.

In the danceroom....

Silver was standing next to the entrance. Until everyone heard a bathroom door open and closing loudly. Out came Bugsy, who was blushing. Bugsy walked straight to Silver and took his hand and walked him to the bathroom door in silence. Everyone was in silence. Bugsy gulped and signal Gold to come out. Silver saw a black heel coming out of the bathroom. Out came out Gold, who was in the beautiful golden dress with red velvet ribbons. Gold stared at Silver. Silver began to blush madly.

Silver stared at Gold in silence. Everyone looked at Gold and Silver. Silver did a small smile and took Gold's hand. Gold blushed. Silver then kissed him in the lips. Gold blushed madly. Bugsy made a face of approval. Everyone clapped at that. "Shall I have this dance, Gold?" Silver asked politely. Gold nodded. Gold put his hands on Silver's shoulders and Silver put his arms around Gold's hips and they began to dance. Bugsy clapped at that. Everyone else began to dance as well. Bugsy smiled. Bugsy just watched Gold and Silver dance.

Once the dance ended, Gold and Silver left together. "I love you, Silver." Gold said. "Yeah. I love you too." Silver replied back. They saw fireworks. Gold and Silver watched as the fireworks blown in the sky. They smiled at the view. Silver gave Gold a smile and Gold gave a smile back. "Happy New Year." Silver said. Gold blushed and smiled. "Happy New Year." Gold replied back and they shared a tender and a sweet kiss.

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