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2007 was great for the Paper Airplanes. We were gaining quick success after releasing our self-titled album and we were about to go on our first bus tour. All four of us were happy. The interview with Brandon Flowers was just an obstacle in our road.

Interviewer: What do you think about up and coming band, The Paper Airplanes? They're gaining quick success just as The Killers have.

Flowers: No offense, but they're ridiculous! I don't get why they wear the face paint. I haven't even heard their music-- what's the point? I don't think I could stand it!

We were all furious, of course. Jake, our lead guitarist/my brother, especially. Jake looked up to The Killers, he was mystified by their live performances and spent a lot of his childhood listening to their music. He was a victim -- that became a literal victim.

Immediately after reading the interview, he ran to his room, tore down all his Killers posters and snapped all their CDs in half. We had to stop him before he went for his Hot Fuss vinyl. Our bassist, Quinn, actually held it in a safe so he wouldn't get to it, just in case Jake changed his mind and the vinyl had value again. I remember hearing Jake cry through the night. At that point, I couldn't care less about what Brandon Flowers had to say about us, I just cared that he destroyed my brother.

Jake had gotten better over the years, he had to, but I don't think he's ever been the same. Whenever Mr.Brightside was on the radio, he'd change the station. If it played in public, he'd leave no matter the cost. Same with any other Killers' song. "Properly triggered by The Killers," as Will, our drummer, put it.

In the years after the incident, people liked to tell us that Brandon had "changed" and that "he's that bad of a guy." Which is a load of horse shart because there's not a single sign that he's tried to reach out to us. Until he did, of course.

you kill me // brandon flowersWhere stories live. Discover now