Warriors Question 4

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Favorite SE, manga of novella?

Well, this is an easy pick for me because I have some of the mangas and their okay, but I haven't read any of the novellas. I did want to read Mapleshades, but I lost interest. Anyway, my favorite Super Edition is Crookedstar's Promise. I felt so much sympathy for Crookedstar and all that he went through, and loved how Oakheart cared so much for him, when Rainflower didn't. I actually really like her though, she's my favorite bad parent for Idk what reason, but I love her all the same. And the fact that Mapleshades in it, uh I loved it more! Considering RiverClan's my favorite Clan, this was an easy choice. I love reading and writing water scenes so this was fun and I generally really liked the characters in it. CP was really good and I hope you guys enjoyed it too! :)

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