The Big Event

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Cody sat at the diner table eating and watching the news. The shows on tv were as dull as ever, that is until a news report came onto the screen.

"34 workers were reported dead on the scene of the latest massacre. Though police now have a lead on what might be the cause. Camera around the building caught picture of the somewhat supernatural being that has been killing these people. Warning to all viewers, these next images might be disturbing."

Cody watch as they showed footage of a very tall and slender shadowy figure that seemed to be covered head to toe in black clothing. Bodies lay around it on the ground. Some ripped in half, some were a pile of guts and bone. Nothing seemed supernatural about the figure to him though, till the thing looked at the camera. It's eyes glowed a neon green as tentacles shot out of its back towards the camera. The footage ends there. This thing, this creature was out of control. This was the 4th incident like this, this month. He had to find it and see if it was someone with out of control powers.

Cody looked at all the locations of all the massacres and pinned where he thought the next would be at. Cody had to be careful though. Jordan had put a curfew on them, to "protect" them. Jordan just didn't want them to be pulled into the news or for them to be the next victims. Cody was determined to do it anyways, even if he had to sneak passed his brother.

Every incident happened on a Saturday so Cody knew today was the day to find them. He ran to every location he thought the thing would be at. The first was empty every employee sent home early. The second one was full of people all fine. The third were empty, the 4th, and 5th the same. He didn't understand. He ran a check again and the second building was not as lively as he recalled.

Cody ran up to the entrance in time to hear the eerie screams from indoors. Stepping in there were bodies already all over the floor. He was disgusted, this was the first time being up close to a body and he wasn't quite ready for that. He wanted to throw up or to leave, but he stayed. He stepped around the mess the best he could and went towards the sounds of the beast. When he got to the main big hall he hid beside a entrance way. He leaned to see in and watched the thing rip apart the last living person in the building. Cody turned away from it. Cody wanted to run and to get Jordan but told himself that he could do this himself.

He expected for the thing to try to find him next but instead, he heard the thing transforming? Cody was right, it was human! He listened as bones cracked into place and the thing gasp in pain. Then it fell silent once again and a cry was heard. Cody turned the corner and saw a boy his age on his knees in the puddle of blood crying.

Cody walked in cautiously and knocked against the wall. There was a quick inhale from the boy as he raised his hands, "D-Don't shoot me please. I-I didn't do it, please!" The boy pleaded. Cody walked toward him while trying to reassure him. "I'm not the police, it's okay. I'm here to help you." The boy lowered his hands back to the ground. Cody walked towards him and continued talking, "Now don't panic. I'm coming near you okay? I mean no harm, I just want to help you." "N-no. Don't! I might hurt you!" The boy tried to explain. Cody was in front of him now and had no plans on turning back. The boy looked up at Cody. Cody recognized this kid. It was Jackson. The same kid from Cody's chemistry class. It clicked in his head that Jackson had been missing school more and more and had been acting strange. "It's Jackson right?" Cody said as he knelt I front of him. Jackson nodded. "I want you to know there are more people like you. And I want to take you to someone I think could help you out. To do that though we are going to have to clean you up because I can't run both of us. Do you trust me?" Jackson nodded slowly. "Alright then come on let's clean you up." Cody said as he stood them both up. Jackson slipped off the bloody hoodie and wiped off his face with a clean part. Cody unbuttoned the varsity jacket he was wearing and gave it to Jackson. "Now let's get the hell out of head before I get sick from the smell." Cody said as he waved towards the exit. Jackson let out a little laugh before nodding and agreeing to leave with Cody.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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