Falling to Pieces (A Mavin One-Shot)

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~The Achievement Hunters were recording yet another Minecraft Let's Play. They were all on teams of three, Lads vs Gents. They had to build the best fort, protecting a block of gold, and had to keep it safe. The Lads' fort was built in the sky, the Gents' in the forest, hidden. As the game progressed, Michael and Ray were about to mine the Gents' gold. Gavin stayed back to protect the gold.

"YES!!!! Team Gents won dickheads!!" Geoff exclaimed loudly into the mic.

"How? Gavin you fuck! You let them win!!" Michael accused.

"I-I thought it would be a good idea to build a wall of lava, but... I burned myself and they got in.." Gavin quietly stated.

"You fucker!!! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!!!! RAY AND I WOULD HAVE WON!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!" Michael yelled at Gavin, and tackled him to the ground.

"You fucking homo. You're a fucking idiot." Ray added, crushing Gavin further and further down into shame and embarrassment.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Gavin quickly stated, and ran off. Everyone shrugged it off as he left, not considerate enough to even wonder why he would leave so suddenly.

~Gavin locked himself in the bathroom and sat down on a stool. A small teardrop rolled down his cheek. He felt stupid, crying for just some joking around. But, then again, they didn't know what it was like. To live through depression, all their life. To have scars up their wrist, the only way to release the pain that others have caused. He cursed himself, for being such a baby. He finally calmed himself and walked back into the office and slowly sat down in his chair, placing his headphones on, pretending not to notice any insults thrown his way.

~The day was almost over, and Gavin was thankful. Today was one of the worst days, no one would let go about the earlier events. As soon as the clock struck 5, Gavin got up, and walked out in the parking lot to get his bike. Thank God Geoff and he decided to ride them today, because he didn't feel like dealing with Geoff. He sped home, and was glad to see that Griffon and Millie weren't home.

~Gavin ran up to his room and laid down on his bed. His mind was spinning with thoughts about today. Did Michael really hate him? Probably. They all did. He was just a mincy little prick. No one cared about him. He got up and locked himself in the bathroom. He sat down on the edge of the tub, trying to prevent himself from doing what he was about to do, but he pushed his better senses away. Convinced he will feel better.

~Gavin reached up into the cabinet and found the extra razor blades. He slowly lowered it to his old scars from high school. They brought back memories, from being bullied about his appearance, his ways of thinking. The razor was now touching his skin, and he slowly pulled it back, causing a small cut, a little trickle of blood dripping out. It distracted him from his thoughts, but it wasn't enough. He sliced again and again, until a steady flow of blood was gushing from his arm. He was in a haze when the doorbell went off.It wasn't Geoff or Griffon, they would have let themselves in. He hurriedly washed his arm and wrapped it up. He rushed to his room and put on a sweatshirt.

~He slowly opened up the door to see Michael. "Hey Grabbin. Geoff wanted to know if you wanted to go to the bar tonight... You look pale. You okay?"

"Yeah..." Gavin answered. "What makes you care?" Michael raised his eyebrow.

"Gavin what's up with you? Why do you sound different?" Michael stepped closer to him, inspecting him. He searched up and down, Gavin just let him. Gavin stopped breathing as soon as Michael's eyes stopped, staring at the arm where he cut himself. He risked a glance, and wished he wouldn't have checked. A huge spot of blood was soaking through his sleeve.

"Gavin...?" Michael didn't continue his question, he just started rolling up Gavin's sleeve. Gavin held his breath, knowing it was too late to hide it. Michael's let out a deep sigh as he realized what Gavin did.

"Gavin... Why?" Michael asked with a worried expression. Gavin sighed. Here it goes.

"It helps Michael. And today, I've finally had enough of all the shit I'm putting up with. I know you guys say it's just a bloody joke, but... It's-its not. It really hurts, and apparently none of you pricks ever cared enough to notice." Gavin was sobbing, tears streaming down his cheeks. Michael was speechless. Still trying to take it all in. Did he really do this to his best friend?

~Gavin looked at Michael, breaking down. Falling to pieces right in front of him. He was shocked as Michael pulled him into a hug and whispered, "We can get you through this Gavin. I promise. I promise I won't hurt you anymore. I don't know what I would do without my boy. Team nice Dynamite?"

Gavin cracked a tiny smile and happily answered. "Team Nice Dynamite Micool."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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