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Spring,the season where plants bloom. The season of new begginings and the season for love and peace... But not for me!

As I walk down the hallway I heard a very familiar voice shouting my name that makes everyone look at me.

"kuromi-chan!" the voice said "I saw him & him and them today!!"

"who" I asked.

"my sweet, cool yet hot crushes!!"

I looked at her " aren't the guys you're crushing on too many?"

she flipped her hair and put her hand on her waist. "kuromi, it's alright to have lots of crushes; having lots of boyfriends isn't" she stopped ... "kuromi... Who're you crushing on?"

"ah-uhmm... I won't tell his name but i'll just describe him! Tall,blonde with green eyes" then the conversation ended.

Hi! I'm Ibara Kuromi and this girl, Miura Hibiki is my bestfriend... She's a sunny girl with lots of crushes and this is our junior high story.

The school bell rang, It's the end of 5th period which also means LUNCH TIME.

I looked around, a tall blonde sat beside Hibiki, IT'S HIM!! Maeda Ryuji! My 1st love. Then, an idea came... I went closer to Hibiki so I can have a chance of talking to him.

I talked to Hibiki. Suddenly, our conversation was cut of. Ryuji asked something. I was about to answer when he said "...Hibiki".

So, Wasn't the one asked, what a pity. They chatted , I felt envious, I felt OUT OF PLACE. It became a habit to them, ryuji sits beside Hibiki then they chat while I just sit there and watch them. One time hibiki made me join the conversation but, Ryuji just... ONLY focused on her. Maybe he likes Hibiki.

One day, i thought that i should distance myself from both of them... That's when I felt alone and I continued to live like that since then. I also thought of joining the pupolar girls and I did... They welcomed me! So warm and never left me as an outcast!

One day, Hibiki followed me to bus stop. "Kuromi Ibara!" her eyes twinkled. "It's been a while! So, how'r you? Want to go for some tea? We have a lot to tell!"

I shook my head " i have nothing to tell, but you must know that I am most happy now with my new BESTFRIENDS."

"Oww come on! What happened? Why did you leave?"

"You're so insenstitive! You made me an outcast when your with the person I like!"


"What do you mean?? MAEDA of course... Stop flirting with him!! You're the one who broke our friendship!"

Hibiki smiled. " Ibara, if that's what you think then, FINE! But, you must know your BESTFRIENDS are talking behind your back... Talking negative... I didn't want to tell you but..."

"stop telling me lies!" i said harshly "... A filth like you isn't worthy of my trust! So get away from me and my BESTFRIENDS!"

"you're worst that a CRAP!" a voice said...

I-it's ..." Ryuji?! Wha--- nevermind! If you are joining that filth then, you leave me no choice! Enemy!" I said with a sigh.

I was about to cross the road when hibiki pulled my hand... "LET GO OF ME!" i screamed ... I hated her warm soft hand that's why... "sorry..." she said as she fell.

Everything happened so fast!! I smell a choking scent; everyone is gathering around us...

MIURA HIBIKI is hit by a truck!

I felt my senses, I realized what happened. I shrank to the ground as i tried to call the hospital... I went to her, she was still warm and so is the drops falling from my eyes. Soon, the ambulance came.

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