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Camila flops onto the sofa with a sigh.

"I hate the rain."

"You hate a lot of things." Lauren says.

"That's not true, I love bananas." Camila shifts so that she's laying on her stomach. 

Lauren rolls her eyes and walks over to the sofa.

"That's only one thing."

"Whatever, Lauren." Camila says, burying her head in the sofa. "I'm bored."

Lauren swings her body over of the top of the sofa and lands on Camila's legs.

"You need to stop thinking that's cool. It gets boring after you do it 50 million times." 

Lauren smacks Camila's leg. "Shut up, you're just jealous cause the last time you tried it, you swung too far and landed on the carpet."

"My knees are still recovering from that."

Lauren laughs when she remembers how she found Camila that night. It had been 5 AM in the morning and she had woken up to use the bathroom. When she walked out of her bedroom she saw Camila on the floor, in front of the sofa, cuddling her bruised knees. 

"Honestly, it's miracle you're still alive." 

Camila shuffles forward on the sofa, pulling her legs out from under Lauren so that she can sit up.

"Shut up, you'd miss me if I died."

"Obviously." Lauren says, bumping her shoulder into Camila's. "You pay the other half of the rent for this shitty apartment."

Camila shoves Lauren off the sofa and crosses her arms over her chest.

"You're so annoying."

Lauren stands up and walks over to the sliding glass door.

"Camz, come over here."

"No." Camila sinks down further into the couch, still crossing her arms.

"If you don't come over here I'll tell everyone about the time you thought you shit your pants."

"I thought we'd agreed to never talk about that." Camila says walking over to Lauren. "It was an accident, it wasn't my fault-"

"-It was totally your fault for leaving the banana on the couch." Lauren interrupts. "You left it there for like weeks, it turned all black and stuff."

Camila groans again. "Don't remind me. I had to throw out those jeans because they were covered in banana mush."

"Well, you thought it was shit. You only realised it was banana mush until I told you."

Camila shoves Lauren again. "Stop being so annoying, sometimes I really wanna kill you."

"Put a stop on my murder for now." Lauren replies. "We have a game to play."

Camila stares out of the rain-spattered door. "What game, Lauren? It's pouring outside."

"That is where you are wrong, young Padawan." Lauren says dramatically. "You have much to learn."

Camila rolls her eyes at Lauren. "What do I have to learn?"

Lauren presses her finger against the glass. "Pick a raindrop."


Lauren sighs. "Look at the raindrops on the glass and pick one. Make sure it's on the same level as mine though."

Camila bends slightly and focuses on the raindrops. She finds a medium-sized one which is about 3 raindrops away from Lauren's.

"I'm gonna name mine Squirt." Lauren pokes the area near her raindrop.

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