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I was a nobody, no friends, no family, no life. I am trapped in this fucked up world, full of hurt, lies, rape. My personal hell started as a child, my family left me, my friends avoided me, and then I met the devil himself. He pretended to love me, to care and then he changed. He stopped being nice, he stopped loving, and now I'm stuck in this life. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to leave this horrid world, I wanted to end it all until I met Ashton. He waltz into my life, and he gave me hope. Hope that I would never be hurt ever again , but at the time, I never knew he would be the one to hurt me the most.

* * *


The pounding of footsteps echo the hallways, and I hear hoots and hollers. The chanting of 'fight' repeat over and over again and I roll my eyes, following after everyone. I'm the loner that everyone avoids, and when I get close, they all scatter. I walk up to a crowd, pushing through everyone. Ashton stands, punching in some junior's face. Poor kid. Ashton showed up to this school a few months ago, and he was just like me, no friends and no heard family. I stare at the junior as Ashton holds his collar, swinging his fist. His hand connects to the kid's face and Ashton drops the boy.

"Say something about me again," Ashton growls out, then turns to the crowd, "Everyone out!" He roars out, everyone around me scatters as I continue staring at the junior blankly. The hallways empty and a smirk forms on my lips and I tilt my head at the body. I click my tongue before giving Ashton a glance and start to walk away. I feel his stare on my back as I make my way to Algebra 1.

The teacher continues to drone on and on about how to work this one problem when the door slams open and hits the back wall. The teacher stops talking and everyone sits up straight. Ashton strides through the door and everybody's mouth opens wide, including the teachers. I sit in the corner, staring at him until he meets my stare, giving me a crazed grin. He walks to the seat next to mine, plopping down. He looks at the teacher with the same crazed grin, waving his arms, "go ahead teacher, give us knowledge about things we will never use in our lives ever again."

The teacher stares in fear, but soon stutters out, "o-okay, um so y-you would find t-the v-value of X and d-divide it-" my mind goes fuzzy when a hand comes in contact with my thigh, his fingertips rubbing shapes into my thighs. I glance over to Ashton and see him paying attention to the teacher. It would seem as if he didn't know what he was doing except the smirk that hung loosely on his lips. His hand itches upwards and I grab his wrist, digging my nails into his skin.

He either didn't notice or ignored it but he continues until he reaches the hem on my skirt. That's when the bell rings and I jump up, rushing out of the room. I hear a sadistic chuckle behind me, and somehow I knew this wasn't the last time I would be that close to him.

All day I have been avoiding Ashton, glancing over my shoulder every chance I get. Right now, it's time for lunch and most days, I spend this time to wander around school. What if Ashton wants something from me? In these moments that I was contemplating scenarios of what Ashton Daniels actually wanted from me, I didn't notice he was leaning up against the wall, staring at me. A sadistic grin appears on his face and he walks towards me. Almost as if I was his prey. Once he gets close enough, my body is flush against the wall and he is flush against me. He leans in close, "I have a deal for you."



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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