Rio's Hidden Love Story

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The Spix Macaw Tribe of the Amazon, their home is truly a beautiful place and each bird equally as beautiful as the other.

And amongst these birds is where this love story starts.

Yumi, a Spix Macaw of outstanding beauty. Watches the tribe celebrate as Edwardo's (the tribe leader) daughter, Jewel has come home. From this joyous occasion Yumi got herself ready by printing the yellow powder onto her beautiful baby blue feathers.

Yumi then flew to the rest of the flock and started to dance and sing with everybody else, this is what Yumi loved to do the most.

Singing was her life and dancing was just a bonus.


Meanwhile a Scarlet Macaw hid and watched the Spix Macaws celebrate and his name is: Miguel. A scout for the Scarlet Macaws, he watches as he backed away to tell his tribe the news he has found out.

Yet before he could leave, a certain flash of blue caught his eye. Getting back into his hiding spot he focused on this curious blue being, and this is the first time he saw Yumi. His eyes widened and his heart pounds. The way her voice rung through his ears, the gracefulness of every move she made.

Miguel fell in love at first sight with this Blue Angel, shaking his head he pulled himself together.

Quickly moving away he started to leave and flew off, but the whole time her voice wouldn't leave his mind.


The next day Yumi was at the edge of the Spix Macaws Brazil Nut grove territory, Yumi comes out this far for only one reason. For some piece and quite from everyone else~

Little did she know a certain Scarlet Macaw was nearby looking for some food also, He landed a few trees away when a familiar voice echoed nearby.

Miguel flew closer and landed on a tree next to hers not daring to cross into the other grove territory, especially when someone could see him this time.

Clearing his throat he caught her attention "Uh... Hi!" he smiled at her hoping for a positive response.

Yumi turned her head and looked at him "What do you want?" such a response didn't settle well for him.

"Hey~ can't I just be here to be friendly?" he held up his wings in defence.

Yumi thought for a bit before plucking a Brazil Nut of a branch "I suppose so... but one rude remark and im gone"

Miguel sighed in relief and got a Brazil Nut of his own as he watched this rare beauty eat, he cleared his throat one more time as he fiddled with his food.

"So... My names Miguel!" He attempted to start a conversation

Yumi glanced at him but smiled at his attempts "I'm Yumi." Miguel melted as he repeated her name


"Yeah?" she looked at him confused as he leaned on the trunk of the tree, that is until he slid down and fell from said tree.

Yumi gasped in shock and flew down to him but didn't make it in time to catch him, thank fully he landed in a patch of flowers.

Yumi stood over him worrying to the fact on if he's still alive, really she shouldn't care. Both species of Macaws have always hated each other. Due to the survival of the fittest code of the wild territory is key~

Every animal new that.

But Yumi couldn't turn a shoulder to someone who could be hurt.

After a few seconds of waiting Miguel woke up to Yumi looking down to him, the light of the sun behind her giving her a look of a goddess. His heart could have almost stopped.

Rio 2's Hidden Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now