A different Soul

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I was still waiting and then as the sun started to set I went to get up to Make PineTree's bed for him to be nice but I slipped on something and hit my head on the corner of the bed side table and the side of my head began to bleed.

Dipper POV

I unlock the door and shut the door again and saw Bill, figuring he fell asleep and fell out of my bed to I tried to get him back into my bed and I slept next to him because of how late it was. In the morning I woke up to the smell of something awful but then I looked at the floor there was blood and when I look back at Bill the whole side of his head was covered in blood as my heart dropped and I panicked and tried to shake him awake. "BILL!!" I run downstairs to get Ford and I bring him back upstairs as I started to cry.

Ford POV

There was nothing I could do as I stood up. "There's nothing I can do....."

Dipper POV

"NO YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING!!" I yelled at Ford still crying.

Ford POV

"Dipper I said no.....I will no longer help that demon...."

Bill POV

My body seemed to glow as I now had feathered wings and furves up horns and my wound was healed as I slowly open my eyes and sit up and stretch. "Morning PineTree....wait...is it morning?"

Dipper POV

I look at Bill and hug him. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!"

Bill POV

My eyes widened. "...sorry......"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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