Chapter 01 -- iGot Back in Time

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Keeley Brewer was hearing nothing but voices; muffled sounds that were just getting louder inside her head. For a brief moment, everything was pitch black. Out of a sudden, the voices seemed to stop and she was now breathing heavily, trying her best to calm down before it could get any worse. For what seemed like forever, Keeley finally opened her eyes, and her heart started beating 100x harder.

What happened? Where am I?, she thought inside her head. She gulped the lump in her throat and started looking all over the place.

"Keeley, are you listening to me?" Nicky started snapping her fingers in front of her best friend, as an attempt to wake her up from her trance.

"W-what?" she asked, shaking her head to wake up completely. She was still too out of this world to react to pretty much anything.

"I was telling you to hurry up before they close the Ferris wheel, you know how much I love it"

Keeley was furrowing her eyebrows, not comprehending yet what is happening? Wasn't she already at this exact same fair to begin with? Why everything seems familiar?

"I feel like we've been here before" she said, exhaling some air. A frown appeared on Nicky's face, confusion plastered across her features.

"How is that possible? This is the first time we've been here since it opened like two weeks ago"


"There's no more time to keep talking, we need to hurry up before they close and I regret the moment I didn't go in that Ferris wheel for the rest of my life, Keeley Brewer"

Keeley didn't further her arguing, there was no use anyway. Besides, it was probably all in her head. Maybe she didn't sleep well and now she's imagining things. With a strong pull, Nicky started dragging Keeley towards the door. All of a sudden, she stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. Nicky was already too impatient to keep waiting.

"What now, Keels?" she let go an annoyed huff, and a childish pout appeared on her lips.

"I-I just feel like I'm missing something. . .Something important"

"Hey, isn't that your phone?" Nicky pointed towards their table. Keeley squinted her view to get a better perspective. She found herself sighing in relief at the sight of her precious mobile. If she would've forgotten it, her parents would most likely not buy her another one—no matter how many time she begs and promises to be more responsible next time.

"Oh, thank God" she muttered under her breath. Keeley walked at a quick pace towards the table to retrieve her beloved phone. When she did, the unexpected was heard. For some reason, a few bells were sounding. At first she thought it was the door, but when she turned around to check, it seemed like no one entered the establishment. There stood only Nicky, but she made no move to open the door. Keeley stayed frozen on her spot trying to decipher what exactly was that peculiar sound.

After a few minutes she decided to shrug it off and keep walking. But, in another table, she found another phone similar to hers that caught her attention completely.

"Keels! What is taking you so long!? You have your phone, now move it before we're too late!"

She grabbed the device and started looking around to see if there would be anyone who would seem to be looking for it.

As she soon noticed there was no one going to pick it up, she walked towards the cashier. Keeley was about to handed it to him, when out of nowhere, one strong hand, grabbed Keeley's arm, making her back away.

There stood, probably the most handsome guy she has ever seen. Dirty blonde hair, well formed arms, and a pair of probably the most beautiful and majestic crystal blue eyes ever.

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