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                    War. Famine. Dictatorship. Disease. Mass murder. These all exist in the same place at the same time, yet the world keeps moving, somehow. Our galaxy continues to exist, and life continues to go on. Is the human race simply surviving on pure luck? Or is someone pulling on the strings of this world, moving it back into place when it steers off track? Who knows. Life is funny that way. It always bounces back, no matter how much our society falls. Although. Sometimes I think. Maybe this was all just one big mistake, being here. This planet, this universe, everything. Just an accident made by whatever God may be out there. Well. What do I know, huh? I'm just another 'thing' in this world, cataloging my own stories. Though I do hope they are of interest to you, or else I would have no need to be here. Now would I? Well, now isn't the time for that. It's time the human race found out. And if you are a human, and you're asking about what exactly you need to find out about, well...

                    Everything. Everything me, my friends, family, and whoever else I dragged into my fight, have done. But to know my story, you need to know our story. By 'our' I mean my race. The beings who live under the surface of your world. We are most commonly known as: Invium. In English, it translates to 'Impassable'. We are practically ordinary people except for a few... exceptions. For starters, we're dead. Every Invium was once a human who died from an unnatural cause. Be it a motor vehicle accident, suicide, or... murder. The worst. But, the Invium aren't the only ones. There are two more races that live in this world besides us and the humans. There is also Pacem, and Bellum. Peace and War. Pacem are the beings who live in the skies, watching over the human race, keeping small problems at ease. To you, as a human, you would probably be familiar with them as 'angels'. Bellum, however, are the exact opposite. The live even deeper in the Earth's crust than the Invium, and leave their hellhole to wreak havoc on humankind. You may also refer to them as 'demons'. They are all dead, as well. The Pacem, dead by natural cause (old age, sickness, natural disaster), and the Bellum all became mentally ill and had to be gotten rid of, or killed themselves. 

                    But cause of death is not the way one gets categorized into one race or the other. No. They must face Judgement. Judgement decides which you used most in your life before death. Your mind, your soul, or your body. If you used your mind more, you belong with the Pacem. If it's your soul, you are with the Invium. And if you used your body more in life, you join the Bellum. Why mind, soul, and body, you ask? Well, I mustn't reveal all the answers right now, should I?

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