When the Clock Strikes Midnight

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Act 1
Scene 1

EXT. Forest - Evening

A man on horseback gallops through a dense forest, both his and the horse's breath smoking in front of them as snow surrounds them. In his hand is a rolled parchment, crinkled in his firm grip. They clear the forest and enter into a small field, only large enough to be occupied by a small house and a small pile of firewood. Smoke is coming out of the chimney of the house. The man stops the horse, it neighing as he pulls back the reins. The door to the house is slightly ajar, the man noticing as he gets off the horse and lets go of the reins. He walks slowly towards the door, pushing it open to reveal a small burning fireplace and a chair with its back to the door. Beside the fireplace on the left hand wall is a table filled with rolled parchments and open books filled with an unreadable language. There is also pictures of herbs and flowers in the books. An almost unfinished parchment lays open on the desk, with a strange symbol glowing at the bottom of it. A bookshelf is against the right hand side of the room, as well as a door leading into a bedroom though it is closed. The man takes a step into the room.


The chair groans as an older man gets up from it and faces the man. His eyes are older than he looks, yet they are very gentle looking.

I assume you found another with magic.

The man holds out the parchment and Merlin takes it slowly. He unrolls it, reading it's contents before sighing and tossing it onto the table.

They need to bring them here,
for I cannot help them if they
are so far away.

But you can help them?

Within my capabilities, yes.

The king would forever be in
your debt.

Arthur owes me a lot of debt.
But what can you do when you're
friends with the king?

I shall fetch my horse immediately
Sir Merlin.

No need.

But it's a long journey on foot.

Not when you have magic.

Merlin smiles at the man, who returns the smile with his own. All of a sudden, the horse cries out. The man and Merlin both look towards the sound to see two men dressed in all black enter the house, followed by Morgana. She looks at the man and Merlin with distaste as her two men surround them. Merlin looks at Morgana with an angered expression as he looks at her guards, his hands ready to cast magic.

Finally, I've found you. Took
this fool, but no matter. I have
what I want.

Merlin, I don't-

I know. She must've tracked
you here on her own, don't

You always gave the benefit of the

Until proven otherwise.

Morgana smiles and waves her hand at the guard closest to the man. The guard draws a dagger and stabs the man in the stomach. He drops to the ground, doubled over in pain. Merlin looks at the man with surprise, giving the guard closets to him enough time to pounce at him. Merlin sees the attack and sends the bookshelf toppling onto the guard with a wave of his hand. The other guard jumps at him, but he manages to put a sleeping spell on the guard. The dagger falls out of his hand and lands beside his outstretched hand. Morgana waves her hand and sends the books on the table flying at Merlin, who shifts the chair in front of him, using it as a shield against the books before sending it flying towards Morgana, who doesn't manage to stop it in time. It hits her and knocks her against the wall, crushing her. She breathes in sharply and looks at Merlin with horror as he slowly walks up to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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