Chapter One

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     Darkness filled the cold black air. Lightning struck from above, as I heard people running by panicking, shouting the world was going to end. Children were all over the streets like I was, but they were crying, wanting to live. They wanted family. Just like I did. I knew I'd never get it back, as I've been praying day and night for a family. Someone to help me, and give me shelter, and care. I gave up on that long ago though, when I'd cry everyday for someone, yet no one would listen, only walking passed, acting like they never saw me. If the world really was going to end, should I really care? The last time I was loved, was before my mother and father left to join forces against a mysterious association they never once told me about. But that was over a decade ago. I was only four years old, and now here I am, at the age of fifteen, hearing people saying something will crash down, wreaking havoc, and destroying the world. I honestly prayed for that moment... The moment I can die, and be at peace without suffering.
Days had passed, everyday, I'd look up into the sky filled with the cruel and dark blackness, as it got worse day by day. Looking up today, I gasped while hearing screams around me. A black, purplish orb was in the sky, a white and purple aura around it, as it looked like it'd crash down like a meteor. It looked large enough, and powerful enough to rid of everything. Drive the human race to extinction. Thinking about it, the lifestream was bound in the earth, and space, thinking about it, it may cause a rift, and disturb lives that have all already been lost, or even destroy them. If my death was forever, and not even an afterlife, I won't care, no matter what.
     The orb in the sky glowed, as I saw something shoot through it, before it shattering.
_____, dear, death is not yet, death shall not fall upon you... Who? What, where am I?
     I felt a hand on my forehead, and I opened by eyes, inside of a hospital room, seeing a blond haired man, smiling at me, though the smile was faint, I could tell it was warm. I could feel it in his aura, he was strong and kind. I feel like I've met him before.
"Who are y-" He cut me off, covering my mouth.
"Cloud, _____, your childhood friend. Please rest, you were hurt badly," He said calmly, and I listened.
     What hurt me... I swear I saw the earths destruction be destroyed.. I thought, still gazing at him.
     I felt Cloud's hand on my forehead, and he said,"I'll tell you what all happened later, don't worry."
     I nodded, honestly wondering if I were dreaming. No I had to be, I've had no friends, and was homeless ever since I was real little. I closed my eyes, knowing I must be dreaming, if not dead.
Hours must've passed, if not days. I opened my eyes, and was blinded by uncovered windows. I hid my face in the pillow, since I didn't want to wake up.
"_____, you have to eat," I heard a voice, not the voice of...ah, who was it? I forgot, seeing a woman, who looked to be a nurse, in white, but what looked to be a lab coat, and I shivered, not even knowing why.
The blond headed man... The world's end... My bad childhood? I was so extremely confused. Had I been in a coma all those years?
"Excuse me, who are you?" I asked, not smiling, just blank and plain.
She smiled softly at me, and came over, and kissed my forehead. "I'm Natalie, pleased to meet you."
     She looked like a nurse, but I felt she looked like a scientist, and I didn't trust it.
     "Can I be released?" I asked bluntly, as much as I wanted answers to my dreams, I wanted out of here.
     I was relieved when she nodded, as she handed me a card with her ID, it stating she was a nurse, yet I didn't believe it. She escorted me to where I'd be living, as she said I'd been sleeping for about a year. She lead me out to her vehicle, and I got into the passenger side, while she sat in the drivers side, and began to drive.
"Hey! I don't even have my seatbelt on!" He was a safety freak when it came down to these things at the moment.
She sighed, and pulled over, giving me a moment to buckle up, before driving again. I didn't trust her at all now.
She handed me a flip phone while driving, which scared me even more.
     We stopped at a place that looked like a bar, it being labelled Seventh Heaven. The name oddly seemed familiar to me, but I doubt it, everything seems familiar, but I remembered nothing, other than my dreams. She handed me a key, and I walked into the building.
I explored the new place, before seeing someone with dark brown, or even black hair, washing dishes in the kitchen. I walked over to her.
     "Excuse me-" I tripped on someone who laid drunk of the floor, and it freaked me out.
     I'd landed on a shattered wine glass, and winced, it leaving at least ten deep cuts in my forearm. "Dammit!"
     The woman turned around, and gasped. "I'm so sorry, I forgot about that!"
She knelt down by me, and helped me up, lifting my arm, pulling the glass out of my arm, causing me to whimper. "It hurts.."
"Just bare the pain, it'll be over soon," She said, spraying a disinfectant on a wet cloth and wiping off my wound, making me yelp like a puppy.
     The woman apologized repetitively, bandaging my wound, taking my hand of my good arm, leading me to a room I could stay in. She laid me on the bed, and put the blanket over me, and sighed.
"I'm so sorry about that... I wasn't expecting you here until a lot later.." She sighed. " I understood.
I smiled slightly at her. "Don't worry about it, it was an accident, and my fault for not watching where I was going." He smiled slightly more. "What's your name?" I assumed she knew mind, as it seemed everyone I met did.
"Tifa, and you're _____, correct?" She asked, and I nodded.
     She walked over to the door. "Your roommate should be back here soon."
     "Wait?! Roommate?" I've never had, even a friend to stay with, well, as far as I could remember. How will this work?
She gave me a reassuring nod. "Now, _____, you should get some rest."
I nodded, as she closed the door, leaving the room. I thought a moment, not closing my eyes in the dark, silent room. I wondered who'd it'd be. What did they look like? Were they a girl or a boy? I suppose I wouldn't know until I'd meet them, slowly closing my eyes, and falling into a deep, dreamless, sleep.

"I killed Sephiroth, and I think this time it is once and for all," Cloud spoke to Tifa, smiling slightly.
Tifa smiled, and gave him a light hug. "We knew you could do it, Cloud." She smiled more.
He parted, and looked at the staircase. "Are they here?" He asked, which she nodded, he making his way to the room.

A few hours past, and I awoke, only to see mako blue eyes staring into mine, which kind of creeped me out. I moved my head, check out the man, before I saying one word.
     "Cloud?" My mind was blurry.
     "Yes, how do you know my name?" He asked. "Unless did Tifa tell you?"
     I shook my head. "No, I've just seen you before, I'm positive."
     He shrugged, and sat next to me. "So, we're roommates now it seems." He was blank like me.
We stayed together most of the time, and one day he invited me out on a bike ride. I smiled, agreeing, saying I wanted to go to the place with all the glowing trees, which I guess was called the Forgotten City. I could tell he was uncomfortable with the idea, I telling him to just never mind, but he insisted.
     Once there, he stopped at a lake, telling me to wait there, as he went to check on something quickly, telling me to shout for him if anything happens. He left out of site, while I was waiting.
I heard the sound of a kitten, and turned around, and there one was, eyes grin, with perfect pupils.
"Come here," He knelt down, having a fondness for cats, especially kittens.
The kitten turned around, and walked away. I watched it, and followed it. "Come here kitty!"
It kept walking, the opposite direction Cloud had went, yet I never realized.

(A/N: There, that's chapter one finished, and I hope to write more of this and my other stories, but that's just going to have to wait)

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