It's 2017!

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So it's the new year aha 2017,

and I'm already having some anxiety because I have this five pages research paper due in like three days and I keep procrastinating it. It's bugging me since I want to get it done, but the last few days I haven't had the time because I've been spending time with family or going out places. I don't know I'm just a slave to time. 

Anyways here's some things I plan to get done/start in 2017:

- draw every day

- plan your day better

- finish and start character stories

- write more frequently

- clean my room (it really needs a good cleaning dear god)

- read more books (seriously I have a stack of books to read on the floor)

- practice clarinet everyday, tenor every other day

- warm up the contra alto clarinet and my alto saxophone

- manage my instagram accounts

- update my deviantart account 

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