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I am twenty-four year old Charlotte Rose Willington college student at Beverly Hills Design Institute. I have black hair, blue eyes, with a set full lips and the height of 5'2. I come from a prosperous family and with that I live with my Mom, Dad, and my two other siblings. Mom has honey blonde hair with brown eyes, Dad has light brown hair with sparkly green eyes, my twenty-two year old sister Mazie has honey blonde hair with brown eyes just like my beautiful mom, and my twenty-five year old brother Matthew has honey blonde hair like my mother and eyes like my father. Mazie, Matthew , and I all want to move out and see the world but somehow Mom and Dad manipulates us not to, I think that's their super power.

We all have jobs in the family business, we run one of the top fashion magazine in California. Mom and dad are the top CEO's, there are so amazing at their jobs. They treat everyone the same, like family. Matthew is head the photos and the model he just got the promotion because Simon betrayed the company but going to a different magazine that's we are against. Mazie it's helping out with Veronica with the fashion lines they are best friends they make the best designs and they have the most fun doing it. But me I'm stuck with Samantha, she is the coldest person there. She would never like any of the ideas I make and We all make sure we are good and take care of one another. But believe me we do have are fight but we love each other and we would do anything for one another. We all thought nothing could tear us apart, but some people dressed in suits are interfering with my family and ruin the bond we all share for another.

*One Night*

I woke up from a strange noise coming from my window. I glanced down and I seen a masked man in a suit climbing up my rose trellis. He's just about to get up my window so I swiftly took out my baseball bat.
As soon as he came in, I released the bat to hit him in the head next I tried to push him out with the bat, but instantly he grabbed it pulling it towards him causing me to get closer to him. He then grabbed my arms pulling me towards him I was using all the strength I had in me to pull away from this mysterious man. I subsequently slipped away from his grasped.

Me being released made me fly back into my trophy shelf, a baseball fell down into my lap. He was right before me so I throw the whole baseball at him. That distracting him I try to run out, but he had ran behind me pushed the door closed with his hand. He then pulled me back from my hair with his other hand.

I tried to do everything I can to get away. He slammed me into the mirror causing it to shatter. I started to throwing random things at him and that just made him even more mad. He grabbed me and slammed me to the ground and forced his hand with a chloroform rag up to my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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