The Dream [ Hoshi ]

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4 years ago.....

Hoshi: Mom, dad?!? Where are you?!?
???: Hey, are you lost?
Hoshi: W-who are you? Wait- you are.....

The present

Hoshi: Y-you are..... *wakes up* *yawn* Good morning, Cookie.
Cookie: Meooooow
( Cookie is Hoshi's pet cat )
Hoshi: Have you ate breakfast yet, Cookie?
Cookie: Meooooooooooowww.
Hoshi: What time is it..??? Oh... It's- oh noooooo!!!!!


At school...

*ding dong*

Hoshi: Argh!! *runs into class* Sorry I'm late, Mr-....? Where's Mr ______???
Classmate Girl1: I heard we are going to have a transfer student!
Clasmate Girl2: And I heard it was a guy! He must be so dreamy..... Ahhhh.....
Classmate Girl 1&2: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Hoshi: As class president, I will check him out.


At the Elementary school block.....

As Hoshi walked by a Grade 6 class, she saw a familiar blue haired boy surrounded by some Grade 6 students

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As Hoshi walked by a Grade 6 class, she saw a familiar blue haired boy surrounded by some Grade 6 students. Further down on the other side, she saw a purple haired girl with round glasses, a boy with brown hair and another boy with dark red and dark purple hair wearing a blue hat.

Hoshi: President Shido what is going on here?
Shido: Oh, Hoshi from 7th Grade, right?
Hoshi: Yes, I heard my class will have a transfer student. So I wanted to know his name and details first.
Shido: Donut worry, you already know him! ( lol )
Hoshi: Stop fooling around with me, SHIDO!
Shido: I'll lead you to him. There. *leads Hoshi closer to the transfer student*
Transfer Student: Hey, Gao!
Gao: Tasuku!
Tasuku/ Transfer Student: I've decided to focus on studies so I have quit the Buddy Police.
Hoshi: T-Tasukun!!
Tasuku: Hoshi? It seems like we'll be classmates from now on. *smiles*
Every Girl ( but Kuguru ): *glares at Hoshi*
Hoshi: *blushes* Argh!! Everyone is looking at me and all the girls but Kuguru are glaring at me....! ( Hoshi's mind )
Hoshi: Someone save meeeeeeeee!!!!! *sprints away back to class*
Tasuku: Hoshi-

Shido: I will now bring you to your class, Mr Ryuenji.
Tasuku: Ok.....
Shido: *leads Tasuku to Tasuku's new class*


In class.....

Teacher: Mr Ryuenji, please introduce yourself.
Tasuku: Uhmmm..... Mr ______ , I don't really think I have do so.....
All girls in the class ( but Hoshi ): Squeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Tasuku!!!!!
Hoshi: Argh, just let Ryuenji introduce himself to us by himself..... *groans*
Classmate Girl1: Easy for YOU to say. You hang out with him EVERYDAY.
Hoshi: Well, now you CAN hang out with him everyday. Also, after he is here for so long all of you will get bored of him. Yes or no?
Classmate Girl1: I will never get bored of him. His just-
All girls in the class ( but Hoshi ): Like a Prince!!!
Hoshi: I will never understand you.....
Teacher: Okay! Hoshi, girls. Please, silence.....
Everyone: .......... *silence*
Teacher: Good, now Mr Ryuenji, please intro-
Tasuku: Yes, Mr______.
Hoshi: Tasuku's suddenly not well manered..... I mean, he rarely no- never ever cut somebody's words..... I think something's wrong with him..... Scared? Maybe sad? I don't know..... ( Hoshi's mind )
Tasuku: My name is Tasuku Ryuenji, as you all know.
Hoshi: Holy Macaroni! He is suddenly thinking too highly of himself! My wait- the Tasuku I know isn't like that! ( Hoshi's mind )
Teacher: Tasuku, please choose a seat- Ah, so you already chose one, huh?
Tasuku: Yes, this one right beside Hoshi.
Hoshi: Beside me?!? You're not serious dude. Seriously, there are other girls who have seats beside them. At least the Middle schoolers don't have to really seat beside each other like the Elementary schoolers. I'm alone. Tasuku is seating at least one meter away from me. ( Hoshi's mind )
Classmate Girl1: Argh! Why can't I be her?!? I WANT TO SEAT BESIDE TASUKU NOT HER!!!
Classmate Girl2: I know right girl!!! But it's okay, she's just REALLY LAME.
Tasuku: *looks at Hoshi but sees her staring out of the window* Hoshi.....
Hoshi: *stares out of the window* I guess this is what I get for being so lame..... ( Hoshi's mind )

Sorry, life for being too lame for this body.
I'm not worth this body of mine.....


How was this chappie you guys??? Good??? Okay, I need help thinking up of a Japanese male name for the teacher.
And if any of you know the yellow haired teacher's name that teaches Gao's class please tell me in the comments.
Thank you!

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