Chapter 1

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There was, a long time ago before our story, where violence and supernatural were at rest. Humans were loving each other, children's laugh were flying higher than birds and light was bringing happiness. Four kingdoms were cohabiting together in the land named Omiccia. Kings and queens were bringing people together and were loved by them for their kingness and courage.

A family was living near Allyza's castle. The blacksmith's wife was pregnant and she will deliver soon. The father was expecting a boy to succeed as the next blacksmith later on. But when Emerald gave birth, there was no boy but two girls. Martin wasn't earning a lot of money, he was happy, of course, but mostly disappointed and discourage, how could he feed a family of four ? He is just a little blacksmith.

Soon enough when the twins were 5 years old, Maria and Amada were full of joy. The both of them were real beauties. But when the king ask to every young girls to present themselves as to become the future wife of the prince James, Martin and Emerald chose to give a chance only to Amada. They were saying "Maria is maybe pretty but honey, she doesn't have the attitude, she is too timid, her behavior is not one a princess but one of a little farmer"

"I know, I know, just look at Amada, the way she walk, talk, she is always proud" Martin responded.

However, the night before going at this event, Amada was out. She had said to Maria that their dog, Patch, wasn't with her anymore. Maria did not respond, "she must be asleep" Amada thought. So when she saw him ran outside the house, she followed him. It was dark and a little cold fog had formed. As she looked at the half moon, she suddendly heard horse's hoofs. She returned at the sound and saw a grand white horse. "You must have run away" She said to him. "C'mon I bring you home"

When Maria woke up, Patch was to her side but not Amada. She got up and went to see her parents with Patch behind her heels.

"Your sister is not with you Maria ? I'll go wake her up" Emerald said kissing Maria's forehead. Maria didn't realized what her mom just said.

"As I can see, you slept well" Her father chuckled ruffling her hair.

"Martin ! Martin ! Amada is not in her bed !" Emerald screamed. She arrived in the kitchen panicking and at a fast pace.

"Calm down, maybe she just got up early and went for a walk ... Don't worry, she'll come back soon!"

"You ..." Emerald pointed to Maria "You could have at least told me that she wasn't in the bed ! I bet that everything is your fault if she is not here !" Maria had tears in her eyes, what has she done ? She wondered. She just woke up and she wasn't here anymore. Nothing is her fault.

"Hey honey ..." Martin approached Emerald "Nothing is her fault, okay ? She is only five" Emerald started to calm down but she did not excuse herself to Maria, on the contrary, she wasn't looking at Maria like she did before.

Hours has passed and Amada did not came back. "Martin, I heard that the Lou Drapé was roaming in the village... Maybe ..."

"Shh no, no, okay ? This white horse or I don't know what, it doesn't exist ... it is just an old stupid folklore..." Martin tried to ressures her again but in vain.

"I'm sure that it is Maria who told her to go see the horse, she knows this folklore. I used to told her this story were they little, at the age of 2" She looked at him in the eyes "This horse takes children on his back to leave and go to an adventure, but these children never come back... My own mother used to tell me that it was a death envoy" She finished.

"Stop !" She watch him confused " Stop it ! okay ? Stop to put all the fault on Maria ! She is only five !"

"I almsot forgot ! The king's event ! But Amada ..." She said going away from him and guided herself to the kitchen's window.

"Do you even care ?! " Martin screamed.

"What ?" Emerald responded confused.

"Do you even care of what I'm talking about ? Do you even care that Maria is your child as well ?!" He asked. "Yet I know that our daughter is gone ! But it is not the fault of Maria or of a stupid legend ! " She looked at him in shocked but then:

"We still got a chance... We are going to this event with Maria ..."

"What ? N-no you aren't going anywhere with her !"

"We have to-" then she stopped realising what she was saying.

"We have to !? So what matters to you is the noble title ?!"

"Of course not ..."

The next morning, Martin woke up with nobody beside him. He urged himself to see if Maria was still here. Hopefully, she was. All of Emerald's clothes were still here as well, "Where is she ?" he wondered.

Hours passed, and still, she didn't came back. The man and his daughter went to see all of the houses of the village to ask if they saw his wife, but the same word came back again and again: "No". He did not gave up months and even years later, but he knew that all of his researches worth nothing. He realized this at Maria's 18th brithday. She was beautiful and the happiest young girl he ever saw. And for a instant, when he look at her, the time slowed down and stopped, at this same moment he saw the real Maria, the one who took care of him during his illness, the one who supported him when he was looking for her mother. She was working for them both and cleaning the house as fast as she could before going to work a bit. He saw, right at this moment an independant and strong women. His little girl grew up. 

Martin had the chance to assist at Maria's marriage. She had met a boy of her age months after she hit 18. This young man was once walking down the street dressed as a farmer. When he saw her, he was lovestruck, he couldn't take off his eyes of her. This man was no other than the prince himself, James. This day, he did not accept the sword that Martin had made for him, James asked if he could marry his daughter instead. Weeks later, here they were, the prince on the throne and Maria next to him holding his hand and looking at him with the sweetest look. Tears felt down of Martin's cheeks. Was he jealous? Certainly, he lost her too but he knew that she was happy no matter where she was now and she'll never forget him. He was relieved.

Martin passed away a few days after. Maria has difficulties to accept it, she cried every night. She loved him, of course, but he did not deserve the life he wanted, the one with children running everywhere and a wife to care about, to kiss. She cried because, he was the man of her life, he accepted her even if she wasn't the boy he had always wanted or the perfect girl her mother wanted. 

Since that day, she promised to build the family he wanted and to tribute him. But will she do it ?Will she be able to protect them and care as much as he did for her ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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