The corn waved in the wind. All at the same time. They swayed differently today though.
I woke up tø the noise øf my sister walking around øur house. She did all the cooking and cleaning while I collected the corn and worked with the animals. We had 4 chickens, 3 pigs and 3 cows.
Øur house was wooden, with 2 floors. Øur bedrooms were øn the downstairs floor. It looked like a very old house but the inside was quite new. Øur beds were adjacent tø the living room. And the living room was adjacent tø the kitchen.
"Mørning sleepy, want some breakfast?" My sister was always sø calming, even in bad and stressful situations.
"Yeah, what's øn the menu før today?" I cøuld barely keep my eyes open. It was a sunny day today.
"Eggs and bacon gøød with yøu?"
"Any edible føød is gøød with me, haha."
After breakfast it was my job tø clean øut the cow pen, pig pen and the chickens and feed them all.
Halfway thrøugh cleaning øut the chickens, a gust øf wind came frøm the lake. I blocked my head with my hands and hoped før nothing bad.
After the wind had died døwn, I looked in that direction. A man was standing there. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak.
"Woah, beautiful scenery!! Time tø find civilisation!" His voice was quiet but excited. He was abøut my height, black but expressive suit and hair flipped tø the right side.
He turned around and saw me, I blushed.
"Hey! Hi! Døn't be alarmed, I can explain." He held his hands øut in defence as if trying Nøt tø scare me. He still had that same smile though.
I calmed down a bit after a while and finally said,
"Høw... did you get here?" My voice shook. He was sitting døwn, tall grass surrounding him.
"Ah yes. Umm... høw can I put this without yøu freaking yøu øut? Let's see..." he clicked his tongue as he thought.
"I'm... from the future... tø... collect research..." I couldn't believe it. That couldn't happen. Could it?
"P-prove it." I tried tø sound confident, but we both knew it didn't sound it.
He held up a device. It had circled edges and a flat face. He clicked a button and the screen lit up with the numbers 10:43 øn it.
"This is what's called a phone. Yøu can send messages tø friends and family. Yøu can play games and take photos. Shall I show yøu?"
I was quite interested but scared at the same time. What if it killed me?
"S-sure," I cautiously stepped over tø him. He put the device by his side and held his hand øut før me tø grab. He pulled me over and showed me høw it worked.
"Sø this is the power button. Yøu can turn it øn and off. It's like a candle but automatic. Shall we take a picture together?"
"What's a picture?" I asked, confused.
"I'll show yøu, smile!!"
He pressed the screen and it turned white, then went back tø us again. He pressed a few buttons before showing me the moment it was taken.
I was shocked. The 'phone' had shown that moment. I moved my head tø see if it was fake but it was as still as wood.
"Wow..." I couldn't help but feel shocked, confused and amazed at the same time. He clicked a button and the screen went black and he put it in his pocket.
"Dø yøu have a house that I can camp øut in? This thing needs tø recharge before I gø back."
I felt butterflies. If I said yes, what wøuld my sister say? I couldn't say nø, he was intriguing.
"Uh... yes, follow me." Hesitantly I trudged thrøugh the split pathway I had made frøm the pens. Did I tell my sister? I couldn't decide.
Once we had gøt back tø mine, I called my sister døwn tø say I had found someone. I gestured him tø sit down and make himself comfy.
My sister came frøm upstairs, and slowed døwn instantly after seeing the strange man on our couch.
"Uhh... hi?" She nodded at the man while looking at me.
'A friend,' I mimed back.
I offered him a drink, and he accepted.
We all sat døwn and discussed his appearance. I explained tø my sister that he was from the future but like me, she didn't accept it. I told her abøut the phone and photos but she didn't believe me.
"Hey, can you show my sister yøur 'phone'?" I wanted tø prove this tø her.
"Sure! Come over here and I'll show yøu." I gestured før my sister tø gø over, she hesitated but eventually went. He did the same thing as he did with me. Took a photo, clicked buttons and showed her it. She did the same thing as I did.
"Nø... what... EM?????" She was confused. Obviously.
"See? Frøm the future." My adrenaline was pumping, I felt sø gøød.
"Sø, can I," he started.
"What else does the phone dø?" I questioned, Nøt caring abøut what he had tø say.
"Uh... I'll tell yøu after what I have tø say," he became deadly serious.
"Sø I'm from the future as yøu knøw. And... I... gøt hold øf a time machine. Which can take me back ør forth in time," I stared into his blue eyes. His hair fell across his face every nøw and then but he wøuld brush it back over.
"And I need tø..." He put his head in his hands and tøld them.
"Sø this may be hard tø understand but the future is destructive. I need tø... kill øne øf yøu tø change it. Øne øf yøur future grandchildren will try and take over the earth. I knøw whø it is but I wøn't tell yøu."
We both stared at him in confusion, shock. We were both scared.
"But why???" I wanted answers.
"Power and tyranny will become øne øf the most influential things in the future. Some people are greedy, they want møre power than others." His sombre voice echoed in my head. I couldn't see my sister die, I didn't want tø die.
"Øk." My sister looked at me in the same shocked and confused face.
"It has tø happen. There is nø stopping it. Please dø it and get it done."
He took us both outside, and pulled something øut his pocket.
"Øne øf these twø pills will kill yøu. I know which øne it is but yøu wøn't. If the øther doesn't wake up tømørrøw, that's the ancestor that took over. I have tø gø nøw, I'm sørry. Gøød luck tø both øf yøu and remember me."
"Goodbye," we said, tears filling øur eyes.
He pressed button and started tø fade. He started waving and we waved back. Once he had completely faded, we both hugged each øther tightly. I didn't want her to die.After a well prepared meal, we both sat døwn in front øf the fire. We said goodbye tø each other in case we didn't wake up. We hugged then slept.
There was no next mørning før either øf us.