Bargaining your soul

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"Where am I?" you asked as the blinding light from above strikes trough your eyes. "Welcome to your afterlife my slave..." a shrilled voice from nowhere began. The place was very dimmed with blinding red light and flames and ashes everywhere....Skulls and bones with matching rotting smell invades your nervous system that you end up gagging and spitting out smoke.

"Who are you?!" You shouted at the air addressing to whoever was listening. For a moment, you thought 'Maybe he is GOD?' but NO.

This is not heaven, this is not judgement day. The last thing you remembered was yourself, restrained in the hospital, with your family, your officemates, your friends huddled before you. Crying and sobbing...Wishing for you to come back. Wishing for you to fight for your life. But then theres blackness. And you somehow ended up facing this.

"Welcome  to Pandemonium." he finally said. And then all things start to piece together. Your dead. Your body is someplace above there, being mourned, being cherished with its last few days above ground. While your soul is under the earth. About to be burned for eternity, by the one and only Satan.

"Wait!" You desperately pleaded. "Ahh, the scent of desperation and fear. I like that." Satan's voice screeched in a high hissy voice that spits out venomous atmosphere making your ears hurt, if you still have senses of human.

This is not what you expected. You did not believe in either heaven of hell. But your ghostly mind is whispering you things of hatred.

"I am willing to bargain..." you finally said. "And what do you still have to lose?" You could hear amusement in his voice. It took you several moments to realize he was right. You can never change your destiny. But a little flame of hope sparks in you that you might fix things on your returning to earth.

"I bargain you my soul in my next afterlife...For a chance to relive my life on earth." you said sternly. You cannot see him, but you sense him smiling. And the thought of it creeps you out. "Its a deal human." his voice said. He paused.

"I will give you your life back, but your soul is still mine after your time. But remember, You are, and will be always dead." he said.

With a snapped of a hand... wave of dizziness shocks you, you feel yourself being burned with an unbearable pain. And then you wake up, all over again.

You are, and will always be dead.

His lasts words keep ringing trough your mind. But you snapped to reality.

You put your hands on your chest, you could feel the pounding of your heart. You pinched yourself several times, you are indeed alive. You looked at your reflection trough the nearest puddle of water you found. You saw your self.

You looked at your environment. You are infront of your house. But things are oddly different.

There was a huge banner of your face on your front gate.


You were agitated by the presence of it. There were people in black and weird looking veils. Inside your house, you find you mother and your father, sitting beside each other, both in black, and mourning beside a coffin. You were puzzled. Nobody seems to acknowledge your presence so you took a step forward, taking a peek at whoever lies in that coffin. And you were shock.


Beautiful, smiling, and happy pictures of you, from your childhood, up to this day covered the place.

No. I cannot be dead. You thought to yourself.

You are and will always be dead.

Those words hit like a brick in the face. Now, you get it.

Satan promised you a peek here on Earth. But he did not promised you another life. You are dead. Your soul is still here. You could see yourself, in reflections, or whatever. But only you could see yourself. Nobody else.

Your heart is aching. You couldn't feel your eyes watering or any tears streaming from your eyes but you know, you are breaking down.

You did not want this. Your parents are crying. With their hands clutched on your childhood photos. Your bestfriend is alone at an isolated corner, muttering useless words to the air. You wanted to fix things, but unfortunately you can't.

This is not what you've had in mind. You wanted a last taste of real life, but didn't get anything from it.

You went inside your room, the familiar scent of it, invaded your ghostly nostrils, the memories from this place floods back causing your soul to feel like its being burned.

Your soul is going crazy. The atmosphere and all the negative energy in that place fills you causing you to be demented. You start laughing out in the air.

Suddenly everyone turns in your direction. Their jaws dropped and eyes fixated on your soul. Your Soul has absorbed so many demented spirits that it turned your fresh innocent soul black. 

Your soul is heating up, you could feel yourself hungry, but not hungry for life, happiness, or joy. You are hungry for a body. who wanted a victim so much. 

"Corpus mihi de te, da mihi odium, metum" you started shouting words in Latin. With a shrill High pitched voice as though from an old woman you never recognized. People started running, some are even holding crucifixes. But it won't work, you have no faith in that kind. You just wanted to feed on a body.

"Corpus mihi de te, da mihi odium, metum" you kept chanting that. You saw a shattered mirror not far away, you reached for it. You catched a glimpse of yourself from the mirror, your face is no longer recognizable.

Your eyes are bloodshot red, your body turned the worse shade of green, your body, is filled with wounds, and oxidized blood, your teeth are sharped and filled with  gore and grime.

You laughed again, fascinated by the way you looked like. You saw a vulnerable old lady trying to scamper away, You know your life is ending soon unless you could find a body, you know the fires of hell will take you once your soul burns more. You wheezed trough the old lady grabbing her by the ankle, pulling her with your sharp fingernails digging trough her poor, thin, thigh. The lady screemed in pain, pleading you to spare her, and this attracted you more to your victim.

But the you saw your parent, huddled together, clutching your family picture as though its their last hope for life, you could see their pale faces and their eyes filled with tears with their trembling body. Just by the sight of them, you feel yourself getting more and more vulnerable. Like a piece of dementing is getting drained from your body. Your skin burns with unbearable pain the more you catch the sight of them, your body decomposes harshly at the sight of them, you know entering the old woman's body is your only chance of living. You shrugged the horrific sight of your parents away.

There is no more time, your soul is half burned and you are desperate to feed on her. You rigidly entered her body knocking her soul away, you felt the power, but your burning chest ached so harshly, You find  necklace of crucifix at the body, with a flash, the lady's soul reentered her body living you desperately back to being a demented soul.

But just then, the flooring began trembling, causing you to lose your gripped on the praying old lady, Rotten, boney hands filled with blood, gean pulling you down below, Your soul reenters the fires of hell, burning you straight whole.

Satan has owned you once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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