I Love You <3

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I was walking through the empty hallways of my lame ass school.
Once I got to my locker I opened it and got my Biology books out.
I turned around to walk away but someone pinned me to the locker and started kissing me roughly, I didn't kiss back at first but as soon as I realized it was my boyfriend B/N, I started kissing him back much roughly, and I felt him smirk in the kiss, moments later he pulled away and I pouted causing him to chuckle.

"How far has been your day sweet cheeks" B/N asked "Peachy" I replied and gave him a peck on the lips.
"Let's leave this hell hole" B/N said "Ouh Ditching" I exclaimed
"What? We only have one hour left of school, come on let's go"
B/N said and we both ran out the school to B/N's car.

"Where do you want to go" B/N asked as he started to drive away the school parking lot "FOREVER YOGURT" I shouted and he chuckled but nodded.

"No!! B/N/N stop, don't put any more sugary gummy worms in my frozen yogurt" I exclaimed "Why not?" B/N snickered "Because my cup is fucking full of em', it seems like you want me to get diabetes and die!" I yelled/whispered a bit dramatically.
"No don't die, I need you" B/N exclaimed "Then stop putting sugary worms in my cup" I said "Sorry" B/N said and gave me a pouty look "Oh my chuck, look at that puppy" I exclaimed and gave him a small peck "Chuck?" B/N asked confused "What freaking season are you on supernatural" I asked him
"Season 9" B/N replied "Shame" I replied "What? Barely two months ago I started watching supernatural...and you since...three years ago" B/N exclaimed "That's no excuse, when i first watched it I finished the whole series in a month" I said
"whatever, let me enjoy my frozen yogurt" B/N mutter "Awe is my little puppy sad" I pouted "Yes" B/N said and looked at me with sad eyes "Awe, I'm sowwy" I said and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you Y/FULL/N" B/N said

"I love you more B/FULL/N" I said


"Pretty possible"

"I love you,all the way to infinity and beyond."



If you guys dont know what Supernatural is- Well let me tell you...its ONE OF THE BEST FUCKING SHOWS MADE IN 2005, YOU GUYS SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH IT FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT WATCH IT!!!

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