Graduation Day

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     The automatic torches light up the dark hallway as we all walk down the hallway in a single file line. When we reach the end of the tunnel, at first it's blinding, but then we freely gaze out upon the stadium packed with friends, family and commoners. The blue clouds are just a few miles up ahead as we are still hovering...floating over earth riding the jet stream. You know, with a ship as big as a city, sometimes I forget we haven't actually landed the entire time we've been here. Our fighters soar overhead above the stadium breaking the sound barrier consecutively. The fireworks and raining confetti combo with the cheering crowd always gets me. It starts to rain confetti profusely as the 36 of us reach our seats, still in a single file line. It's the day I've been waiting for these last 5 years with the Valkyre. Graduation day.

     The Valkyre is a company that deals with the protection of Earth from rather... extraterrestrial beings. The sad thing is that they look just like humans, only they're much more cunning and better looking. As we are all seated I begin to scan the stadium twice as big as the one's you see at football games, for my parents. Well, not my real parents...they're dead as far as I know. However, I'm looking for MY parents, the ones I was raised by. It doesn't take long for me to realize that it's a lost cause. About 6000 people came to watch this graduation and the tickets were sold out in roughly 15 minuets. Supreme Valkyre Commander or rather SVC Johnson begins the normal speech about how he's so honored to see so many graduate and congratulating us all and our parents... you know... the normal boring stuff. I'm fairly certain that these things are in alphabetical order. Bad time to be named Zane. Oh well, I look down the row and try to meet eyes with J. I guess feeling our empathy link, she leans forward and her sea blue green eyes meet mine. She offers a smile and a nod and sits back up with her head held high. "Today will be quite a day", I say to myself. "And now, without any further adieu, I present to you: The Order!" SVC Johnson says. The crowd absolutely explodes at this point. 

      He begins to call us all, one by one, in alphabetical order giving the crowd about 4 seconds of cheers and theoretical worship. "Jasmine Tyler!" The crowd erupts louder than it did for any of the previous people. "Will Unashion!" Hah, It's almost my time. The next 3 people are a breeze, I'm sure everyone knows how I've gotten to where I am today. "And now, The top tier student of the year... Presenting to you: The Commander of The Order.... Zane Jiaz!" The crowd absolutely loses it when I stand up. I walk to the stage ever so confidently, taking note that Will does everything he can not to look at me, but still claps his hands in respect, J looks at me absolutely beaming with pride and Justin, my best friend can't take his eyes off me. My graduation cloak is black and red while everyone else has a blue one, indicating my somewhat superiority. "Congratulations." SVC Johnson says. "Thank you, sir." My eyes meet his as our hands shake. I stand by the podium in the middle of the celebratory grounds as he starts. "As you all may already know Zane has bested his fellow trainees in all aspects of the program. When we started off this year, we had 2034 imitates. Not once in all of my 52 years in service have I seen quite a remarkable young man." "How old is this guy?" Is literally the only thing to cross my mind. He's way too fit to be over 30... 6 1' and about 350 lbs of pure muscle? That's just not right. "In his combat training, not only did he best everyone with less than half effort, he did it without a weapon!" The crowd continues to cheer. "We put him up to the absolute test and played a game of capture the flag in which case it was 43 members against him alone. He didn't have a weapon and still managed to keep his flag safe from harm and that should already tell you enough about how The Order will improve this year." I just nod and wave in awe. I never thought I'd get this far. "Once again ladies and gentlemen, Zane Jiaz!" He says and the crowd erupts once again.

     He pins The Order Commander pin onto my cloak and usher me to sit back down. When I'm seated, I take in all the hard work and hell I've been through these past 5 years. The wind courses ever so gently through my golden hair. I've always loved the wind. SVC Johnson starts his closing speech while we all begin to talk among ourselves. "Damn Zane, That's an awesome cloak. " Will says first. Sometimes I wonder about this kid, it's almost impossible to get a read on him. "Congrats Zane!" Justin says. "No no no congrats to all of us! We're a team. We survived together for a reason, man!" I reply. I really do love these guys. J hugs me tighly like she walys do. Her black curly hair always smells of flowers. "Congrats Zane! I knew you could do it!" She says, her eyes meeting mine. "Congrats to you, as well, J. Couldn't have done it without you." I say. "Ah, get a room you fucking nerds. " Will says jokingly which in turn makes everyone laugh. "Shut up Will" I respond still laughing. "So if you will all be so kind as to meet us at the Reception District in about 7 hours for the feast. Company is very much welcome!" SVC Johnson finishes. The anthem of The Order begins playing but we all stick to our group. Finally, after 5 longs years, we've finally made it.

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