Chapter One

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•••Madison's POV•••

"Hey Maddie, come down here real quick?" my mom says from down the steps. It was the morning after New Years and I was so tired. I was like,gone man. DONEZO!

I walked down the steps to the kitchen.Still in my pajamas I slide over to a chair parked next to the island. I sat down and laid my head down on the marble counter top and groaned(still half sleeping)

"So,Maddie,"my mom says setting a plate of pancakes in front of me and continues to speak "I've been meaning to talk to you about something I found online not that long ago...."

I shot up from my slouchy position and say "Mom,I can explain!I am so so SORRY!I don't know why Mr.Harper gave me that B+! It's probably because he forced me to work with Devin,and you KNOW how Devin doesn't do good in school,he doesn't even TRY to do his homework.And WHAT KIND OF PARENTS does he have!? What person lets their child wear off brand cologne???You know that's made out of dead pigs.Hell,it's probably-"

Mom then cuts me off with"Maddie!Calm down that's not what I was talking about!" She starts to turn around then stops.Then turns back around and says "We'll talk about that English grade later..." she then smiles

I get a text from my friend Tyra:

Tyra:Hey Mads, did you see the You Now Awards last night? OMG it was SO lit! Is2g that was the best 1:45 of my life!

Madison:IKR!But the goons didn't win anything😭

Tyra:OMG would you get over them! That's all you talk about!🙄

Madison: But T! Have you SEEN THEM? They are ANGELIC!!!Jovani's jawline😫❤And Julian's BODY😍🤤💙

Tyra: You'll never come to your senses,will you....

Madison: Nope!😂

Tyra:Ugh,why do I keep you around🙄😂

Madison: Because you love me😘

Tyra:😅Ik boo boo

"Madison!Would you get off your phone!I have good news for you"

Madison:Oops gtg fam,the Mrs has news for mehhhh

Tyra: Is this about your B in English?

Madison: Nah,I already spilled about that....she denied🙅🏽Plus I lied and said it was a B+ so💁🏽...SHHHH😂🙊

Tyra:Alrighty,I better let you go...TTYL boo boo👋🏻

Madison:Love ya T

I then shut off my phone, spin in my chair and say "I'm aaaaall ears Momma"

"Ok finally! So I saw this website with this get together.So I bought some tickets"
"Oh no....."I say in the most unenthusiastic voice "is this one of your 1980 band reunions again...."

"No no!" she slips me an sketchy....

I quickly take it,but I'm hesitant to open it.

"Well,go on." My mother waves as I look at her in confusion.

I finally open the envelope to find...POMSCON TICKETS!!!!!

I jump up and down going "OMG mom thank you thank you thank you thank you thank YOU!!!!!" I'm literally in tears at this point. I could not believe my eyes! I was about to meet the loves of my life. Well,... in two months,ten days, 13 hours and ten minutes....but who's counting???

I give my mom the biggest hug ever. "But there is one thing I need to mention...." my mom says pulling away from my intense embrace.

"What is it?" I say sitting down.

"Um,the California show was all booked out,so I had to get the tickets to....FLORIDA!" She says smiling

"Are you serious!!!!" I say even more excited now. Not only did I get to me the goons,but I get to go to home!Which is also where THEY live!!!!

I gave my mom one more big hug."Thank you so much mom!"

"You are very welcome,sweet heart"

Wow!This was going to be my year.And what an amazing way to start it then to get this news!

Sorry for the short chapter!I just wanted to end it here because I have some crazy shit happening later😏So get ready!!!Comment below your honest opinions on my story so far,and maybe some changes you would like to see in the near future💙Love you guys

(Ps,I chose the name Madison because that is my middle name😂 My first name is Katelynn💕)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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