Sleepover!!! [ Rouga ]

238 3 2

Before the story.....
I'm currently listening to songs while typing this down..... So pls don't mind me suddenly writing lyrics.....

Gao: Hey guys, do you guys want to have a sleepover at my house??
Everyone ( but Gao ): *mouths drops until they reach the ground* Seriously?!?
Gao: What's wrong, guys?
Hoshi: It's not like we hate it..... But the thing is, we ALWAYS go to your house!!!
Everyone ( but Hoshi & Gao ): Is that what you're really sad about?!?
Hoshi: Ehhhh..... It wasn't the thing you guys were thinking of....?
???: Actually, I thought of the same thing.....
???2: Really, Tasuku?!?
Tasuku/ ???: Yeah..... Isn't she right? We're always going there to celebrate stuff like the Gaen Cup..... Don't you agree with me..... Jack?
Jack/ ???2: True, I'm on Hoshi's side now.
Tetsuya: Yo'll ( ya'll ( you all )), cast your votes for either Hoshi; the one who says that we are always going to Gao's house or.....
Noboru: I want to be the leader of those that: don't want to eat octopus dumplings for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Tetsuya: Okay, now, everyone but Gao and Bal can cast thier votes!! There are 23, I guess... People in total..... Minus Gao and Bal is..... 22, 21!
Asmodai: Okay, the winner is the one with most votes!!
Gao: Hey! My family does not always eat octopus dumplings everyday!
Noboru: As if! Maybe, the loser would have to hold the sleepover at his or her house! Deal?
Hoshi: You're on!!
Noboru- 18 ( including himself )
Hoshi- 3 ( including herself )
Everyone: .....
Hoshi: Yahooo!! Everybody's gonna sleepover in my house! I've got other peeps ( people ) to invite! Uhm... Gaito, Abygale..... Uhhh..... K-Kyoya!....
Everyone ( but Hoshi ): Ehhhhhhh!?!
Hoshi: ...and... AzI DaHaKa!!!!!
Everyone ( but Hoshi ): Nooooooo!!!!
Hoshi: Also, some other people... I guess.

At Hoshi's house.....

Hoshi: Welcome, people!!
Gao: What is up with you suddenly, Hoshi?
???: Hey Hoshi!
Hoshi: Hello!
???: Hoshi, is Kiri coming?
Hoshi: Maybe..... Or maybe not..... Well, you always talk about him. Kiri here, and Kiri there. *sticks out her tongue at ???*
???: Hoshi!!! Imma gonna ki-
???2: Who are you? Are you Hoshi's friend?
???: Oh noooooo mommmmyyyyyyyyyy...!! He did come!! Too cute!
???: Uhhhh uh..... M-my name issss.....
Hoshi: Are you a snake, Mut-
???: Noooooooooooooo..... Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushhhhhh. I want to introduce myself to Kiri by telling him myself!!!!!
???2: So, you know me as Kiri Hyoru, right?
???: Y-yep. My name is Mutsuki. ( @Mutsuki38nya )
???2/ Kiri: Nice to meet you, Mutsuki. *winks and smiles cutely*
???/ Mutsuki: *faints* He smiled at meeeeh.....
Zanya: *glasses crack* Girls are sooo weird...
Akasuki: They are quite cool Big Z... But sometimes... Not really.....
Kuguru: Ahh... Zanya, Zanya.....
Cookie: Meoooooooooooooooow *looks at Gaito with cute and beady eyes*
Gaito: *picks up Abygale and places him infront of himself*
Abygale: He seems nice.
Cookie: *hiiiiiisssssssssss*
Hoshi: *hiiiiiisssssssssss* Cookie's a girl, not a boy!!
Zanya: Now I am afraid of the cat too... I feel you Kurouzu Gaito.
Gaito: No, I am not scared of them I just hate them.
Hoshi, Mutsuki and Cookie: *hisssssssssssss*
Hoshi & Mutsuki: We love cats so please don't insult those cuties!
Kiri: *nods* Yes, please be kind to them. And Zanya, girls aren't that bad. Especially girls like her. *nods to Mutsuki*
Mutsuki: Me!?!
Hoshi: Ehhh!?! Mutsuki and Kiri sitting on a tree! K-I-S-!
Mutsuki: *glares at Hoshi and a dark aura rises*
Hoshi: *turns away and sees someone's chest at her face* Who are y- Wait!!!!! I didn't invite you!!!
???: Well, I am part of the group so I'm still invited.
Hoshi: I hate you, Rouga!!!
???/ Rouga: Sheeesh. Hoshi. *pushes Hoshi's face away from his chest*
Kiri: You shouldn't treat people like that, Rouga.
Rouga: I don't want to hear that from you, Kiri. Or should I call you, Grim Reaper???...


Grim Reaper..... I haven't said that name in a while.....
Kiri, we haven't seen you in awhile and you seem
like a new person.

Mutsuki ( a new member of the group ) ( 12 years old )

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