Drabble #3 - Games

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They both loved their games.

But Dei hated this one more than anything. She didn't know what had possessed her, but when he dared her to go their separate ways, she should have protested. She should have ignored his ridiculous challenge. But she hadn't. Instead, she just smirked and acted as if it was the easiest thing that she had to do.

Really, it was all her fault. It was all her fault that her skin is now porcelain pale with a hint of blue. It was all her fault that she couldn't find him. Which was annoying, because they could never leave each other's side for long periods of time or else they'd cease to exist. But what could she do? Chard wanted to play this game.

She sighed in frustration. "Where can I find him?"

She pulled her green coat around her as she trudged through deep snow. She doesn't need it but she had to wear it—at least for appearance's sake. Snow was falling in a heavy blanket, and it would be downright strange if she was wearing a tank top and shorts.

Dei glanced around the park, trying to find a hint or anything that could help her at this point. There has to be a clue somewhere.

After a few moments, she set off down a path not frequented by people, intent on finding Chard.

"Took you long enough." A voice chided her as soon as she reached the end.

She smirked, turning around and crossing her arms over her chest. And there he was. Chard. He was studying her with open fascination, and she struggled to stay still under his scrutiny.

"Well, you do know that I love to keep you on your toes, right?" Her mouth quirked into an amused smile.

He glared at her though she could tell it was all in jest. They needed each other — though he would constantly deny it — because she could touch him without burning herself, and he could touch her without dying from frostbite. They could never hate each other, though they both hated the fact that they desperate for each other's touch.

"And you know how much I hate waiting." His voice was barely above a whisper, but she could hear him quite clearly.

Her eyes narrowed. "Then why did you choose this game?"

"It doesn't matter." He moved to stand in front of her and she could clearly see that the small flames that covered his hands and head. She could also feel his scorching body heat. "You're here now."

Dei's jaw dropped a little, stunned by his response. It was the first time that he said something like that. Was he really desperate for her touch that he'd lie to her? No. He wouldn't do that.

"Well..." She trailed off when she noticed that he was now rubbing her skin through her coat. "What are you doing?"

"Shh." He suddenly wrapped an arm around her waist and then raised his other hand to caress her cheek. She leaned into his touch, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. "Just feel. I've got you, okay?"

She groaned, her eyes closing and her hands clinging to his shoulders.

She vaguely remembered what happened next. All she knew was the fact that he was doing things to her body that shouldn't be possible. Logic told her that one touch of her skin should freeze and numb him, and one touch of his skin should burn her — though neither of these ever happened. She supposed it was a small mercy afforded to divergent magical beings cursed by the Gods.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed like it normally did when they were together. Their breathing became raspy with need and excitement as their touches grew bolder. They gave each other more, more than they could and more than they should. They kissed and touched each other over and over again, driving each other wild. Every. Single. Time.

And then, they were one. In that moment, they no longer felt bereft and alone. The desire that surges through their veins intensified and they wished that they could be like this forever. But it was not meant to last. The searing pain that suddenly shoot through their bodies warned them off that idea. The time was up.

It was time for a new game.

They released each other against their will, their hearts racing. They loathed this more than anything. The separation. The lies that they had to utter before they part. The tears that will streak their faces once the other leaves their sight. They never wanted to be part of this never-ending cycle torture and ecstasy — designed to break the other.

But they had no choice.

It was the only way their hunger could be sated. It was the only way they could quench their thirst. It was the only way they could survive.

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