Brothers But Not By Blood [boyxboy]

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As I climbed out of bed this morning I knew it was going to be my last day at this school my last day with my friends so I was worried I mean moving across the country I mean I am a South Australian boy born and bread and when I say boy I meant I was 17 years old and had a fit body. I was blonde hair and blue eyed not an ugly kind of kid but wasn't the bets looking. I used to help dad out on the farm from a young age so it wasn't like I was used to moving. But then dad died in car accident and mum just let the farm go off on its own steam. Mum was totally destroyed when dad died. When mum come home one day and told me about here boyfriend I thought it was quite extreme and rash decision I mean they have only ben dating for 16 months and she wanted to move across the country to be with him. What happens if it all goes wrong? What happens if they break up then we have no where to go we don't know anyone over there.

When dad died I never thought mum would be happy again but she met someone. Mums an IT technician for a company which means she has to travel around the country a lot she met this guy named "Jake" hes from Queensland. From the first moment she met him to this day she doesn't stop talking about him I hear his name at least once a day if not more. She wants to take up a office position with the company in Brisbane. And move in with him. I don't really want to but I guess I have to it means mum would be happy. I wanted to finish year 11 at my school I mean it has been my school for the past 10 years. So in December we are going to pack our things and leave. I mean I have never left the town or never been in a plane. So I guess I am kind of excited.

As I leave for school in the morning it hits me the last time I will ever walk to the bus stop with the rusty little tin shed that looks as if I throw a rock at it it would fall and shatter into a million of pieces. The last time I will hop onto the smelly school bus that has no air conditioning and sit on the leather seat that would stick to me as I get up.

The bus ride felt shorter then usual and I took in all the scenery as we went past after all I may never see it again. When I walked into school I was greeted by my best friend for the last time.

"Hey Lucas"

"Hey Jess"

Jess was the one person that knew me and who I really was see growing up in a small town and going to a school that barely had 500 students. See I have been living with this secret that I don't want to tell anyone about because being a small town it would just travel and I would hate to have to deal with the consequences. Im gay there i said it. Jess is the only one that knows. She has been my best friend since we started school. She is like my rock. No matter what happens in my life she has always been the one that I have confided in and the same with her.

I could tell Jess was upset I mean I would be too if she left. Today as we sat in history and had a class party as you do on the last day of school and listened to Mrs Gold talk about the "good ol days" as she called them. Jess was chatting to me and I zoned out as you do. I remember her hand slapping me across the face and her saying " I am going to miss you knuckle head" she was big on the nick names. Today was the quickest day of my life from the first bell to the last on of the day it just kinda flew I guess. How ironic this time tomorrow I will leave the country town that I have lived in for my whole 17 years on the earth fly to Brisbane and become a city boy and live in this new house that I have to now. Trade in my jeans and checked shirt and work boots for city clothes. Nope that's never going to happen. Jess hugged me for the last time that she will ever see me. I could see the tears running down her face I said:

"Hey its not the end of the world we both have skype and we will keep in contact if it's the last thing I do. "

As she was hugging me the bus pulled up right next to me and Roy yelled:

" Oii Lucas you getting on the bus or am I leaving you here!"

Jess whispered in my ear "goodbye Lucas. I will miss you! And you never no you might find the love of your life up there!"

I giggled a bit and said back "Oh that would be the day" I said back to her!

I climbed on the bus and off it went I put my headphones in and as I got home mum was there packing up the last of her things.

"Hey Lucas"

'Hey Mum"

"Just remember I want you to pack the rest of your things so I can put them at the door for the morning . We have the early flight so remember we have to be up at 3am"

"Yes mum"

I went into my room and packed my bags remembering everything well I hope it did after all it's a long way to come back if I forgot something.

I put them by the door. And before I new it was 8:30pm. Well I guess I better get some sleep early morning.

I head into alarms and set it for 3:00am and drifted off to sleep for the last time in my own bed.


Hello and welcome to my first attempt at writing for anything ever including wattpad so I apologise in advance for any spelling errors or grammar errors! So please let me no what you think and how I can improve please vote and comment

Next chapter should be up soonish will write when ever in have spare time! ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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Brothers But Not By Blood [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now