Chapter One

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I was woken by my annoying alarm clock at 7am. I’m going to have to have to use to this again as today is my first day of senior year at Rosemary High. The joy.

I get up and get dressed straight away in a black tank top with black and red flannel top and black skinny jeans I also put on my black combat books. I put my hair up in to a messy ponytail because I can’t be bothered to do anything else with my hair.

If I was to describe me I would say I’m quite small (5’3 ¾) and I’m not one of those girls that are skinny nor am I a curvier girl I have  bit of fat on me as well as quite a bit of muscle because I play rugby so I have a good stamina for sport.

 I walked down the stairs of my small two story house to the smell of freshly made pancakes, which made me walk that little bit faster into the kitchen with my dad in it. My mum is usually at work at this time because she starts quite early but also finishes in time for our dinner, whereas my dad a stay at home dad and he looks after my little sister.

“Morning dad, what are you doing?” I asked him.

“Just making your favourite breakfast. Which of course is my amazing pancakes?” he replies. “Hurry up and eat them before they get cold and you have to go to school”.

 *At school*

I arrive at school with only 15 minutes to collect my timetable and locker combo and catch up with my friends since kindergarten Cleo and Axel.

After I got my timetable and locker combo I found my locker which is in the senior corridor where no one but seniors are allowed. 

When I got to my locker I typed in the combination and placed my things from my bag inside.

I heard a loud shriek from the other side of of the long corridor and shut my locker to see who it was and to my utter embarrassment it was Cleo with a beat red Axel behind her trying to hide his face.

I tried to hide behind my locker door and hope she forgets im here but unfortunately she does and runs up to me, hugs me and practically starts crying in my arms. I join into the hug but not the crying.

“I’ve missed you so much I can’t believe I haven’t seen you for ages.” She sobs. ”I literally saw you yesterday” I say chuckle. I let go and jump into my 6’3 best friends hands and hug the life out of him.

“Shall we compare our classes together” I ask and take out my timetable.

“Sure. Just give me a minute to get it out my bag and hopefully we will be in more than one class together” Said Cleo “Yeah and hopefully we will be in at least one class together unlike last year” Said Axel

P1 – Mr Taylor – Science - Physics/Biology/Chemistry

P2 – Mrs Ward – Math

P3 – Mrs Ell - Economics

20 minutes break

P4 – Mrs Ross – English

P5 – Mrs Lee – History

Lunch 5c

P6/7 – Mr Wintre – Gym

Cleo reads hers out then Axel reads his out. “Good news I’m in all your classes except your last two because I have gym while you two have art (Cleo) and photography (Axel).”

The dreaded bell goes and everyone goes to class, Me, Cleo and Axel walk to class already wishing for the day to finish.


This day has been going to slow and it feels like I have already been here a week and lunch has just started. Lunch is my favourite lesson of the day. I am glad this schools food isn’t like the movies, the school lunches usually are it is actually really nice especially the schools pizza.

After I have lined up and paid for my food I sit down at our normal lunch table. We have a very cliché school food chain, we have the populars – cheerleaders and football players , the preppy, the dancers, the drama club, geeks, The Three (also known as Xander, Jacob and Cade)  and then there is us the plain average people who don’t really have a name.

The Three, a very creative name from most of the girls in our grade, are classed as the most gorgeous people in the country and while I admit they are really good looking think the girls in our grade have a slight obsession with them. Xander the so called ‘Bad Boy’ with tattoos that i personally think are gorgeous, Jacob is Golden Boy who has the perfect family and grades and Cade is the prankster who gets along with everyone and also makes everyone laugh even if they don’t want to they can’t help it but also cause the teachers a lot of problems with his pranks .

These are also the most popular people in school and I just want to avoid them at all cost because I just don’t want to be known for the rest of my life as ‘The girl committed social suicide in front of the populars’ and have everyone laughing at me till the end of school and possibly the years to.

Cleo and Axel are already there and we talk, well more like complain about how we already have math and science homework and it’s the first day of school.

The bell for period 6 went and we went on our way to our classes. Once I get into the changing rooms I get into my shorts, sports bra and tank top and jog outside to the group of people that has already formed and consists of about 20 guys and no girls. Hopefully there will be more girls that are just getting changed because I don’t want to be the only girl in a group of guys for two whole periods every day for the rest of the year.

Out of the corner of my eye I see ‘The Three’ with Xanders very built  and ripped body leaning against the wall an amused smirk on his face , Jacob muscular body standing up straight waiting for the class to begin with a hit of a smile on and Cades athletic body sat against the wall laughing about something he said and I had to smile because he has one of those contagious laughs that you can’t help but at least smile at.

I turn back around a wait for Mr Wintre to come and start the lesson all while hoping that I’m not going to be the only girl in this class and that I won’t be spending too much time with The Bad Boy, The Golden boy, The Prankster and me.

The end of Chapter One

1,138 Words

Hope this is alright this going to be my first real attempt at writing a book and I am determined to not give up half way like I have in the past.

I am sorry if there is any mistakes because I am from England and I am writing a book based in America do sorry again for mistakes and I would appreciate someone pointing it out so I can change it.

Thanks Chloe x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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