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A hot summer night is when Yoongi decided he loved Seokjin. Well, no, scratch that. He didn't decide it. He just came to realize that damn, he really, really loved Jin.

Both boys were fifteen and confused. The older one, not as much as Yoongi would've liked him to be. Yes, it did sound very selfish of him, but he didn't want to go through that confusion and pain by himself.

Seokjin was tucked underneath Yoongi's chin, soft breaths coming out of his mouth as he slept peacefully. They relaxed the younger boy, who had his arm wrapped around Jin's broad shoulders, and his other hand caressed the arch of Seokjin's cheekbone softly, careful not to brush too hard, so it wouldn't wake him up.

"You don't even know how happy you make me, do you?"

Seokjin smiles, and flutters his eyes open. Normally, Yoongi would've been freaking out by the fact that he wasn't asleep, and he had heard the short sentence that had left Yoongi's mouth just a few seconds ago, like a normal person would.

But, sadly this wasn't the first time Seokjin had heard those words, and it wasn't the first time Yoongi had just blurted out those words to him.

"Yeah, I know. You make me really happy too."

Yoongi grins. He's in a state of bliss, and it was all because of just a few words, because of one beautiful boy.

He didn't reply, just clung on tighter to Seokjin, and maybe he even pressed a light kiss on top of his head, but that wouldn't be something new either.


A wet summer day is when Yoongi decided he really wanted Seokjin to be all of his firsts.

"Jinnie hyung," he starts, as he takes hold of one of the older's hands, "you have to promise me something. It's not too bad, I swear."

Seokjin turned to look at him, confusing written all of his face. He blinked, before putting a wacky smile on his face.

"Sure, what is it, Yoongi?"

The raven haired boy feels his face get hot. He was about to ask for something that's been on his mind since he turned fifteen. As he got older, he's realized he hasn't been or gotten any experience, in anything. From kissing, to going on a date. Just, nothing.

"U-um," he starts off stuttering, an indication that he's nervous, for literally no reason at all. "I just- will you promise to be my first kiss? And I'll be yours as well. Only if you'd like to, of course you–"

Jin laughs. "Aw Yoongi, that's so cute. But yeah, I promise we'll be each other's first kiss."

"Are you sure? You don't have to–"

And for the second time, he gets cut off. "Yes, I promise. When the right time comes, we will share our first kiss with each other."

Yoongi, satisfied with the response, grins that beautiful gummy smile of his and climbs onto Seokjin's lap for a cuddle session that was sure to last the night.


A warm summer morning was when Yoongi decided Seokjin was a heart breaker. He was standing in his living room, tears trailing down his face and a backpack trained on his broad shoulders, and Yoongi felt like dying.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Yoongi whispers as he clutches onto Jin's hands, hoping that maybe, just maybe if he holds onto them enough, he'll stay there with him.

Seokjin shrugs. "My parents told me five days ago. I didn't have the heart to tell you."

"Hyung, you can't leave me. You can't leave me to fend for myself and– what about our promise?" Yoongi's words could barely be articulated, as he choked up and the tears made way to his eyes.

"I have no choice, Yoongi. Our promise can still go on. Maybe I can visit you soon, then we'll fulfill it. I promise."

And as Kim Seokjin left him that warm summer morning, Yoongi also decided that Seokjin was a liar.


this is just a test story btw. i'll see if this prologue gets anywhere, and if it gets good reviews and people want more, then i'll write more (i do plan to write more. long chapters too because it'll also go on ao3)

so please, if you liked this and look forward to this story, please comment and vote!! i hope you look forward to the future of this story with me

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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