Chapter 1 - The Birthday

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I walked into the Salvatore boardinghouse, putting my hair in a high pony tail.

"Mornin'" I hear and turn around to see Damon completely naked, dripping with bath bubbles.

"Oh!" I gasp and turn around. "You heard me. You knew that I was here."

"You know," Damon continues. "You should really learn to knock. What if I was...indecent?"

I can hear the smirk in his voice. With my eyes closed, I throw him a red blanket that was folded across one of the couches in the front parlour.

"Sheriff Forbes gave us another location to check." I continue pulling a piece of paper out of my pocket to give to him. "Memphis."

"Another dead end?"

"You don't know that."

"You're right, Elena. This could be the one. After almost two months this could be the clue that tells that Stefan is alive & well, and living in graceland."

"Fine," I resolve snatching the paper from his hands. "I'll go by myself."

Damon zips in front and grabs it back. "And let Klaus know that you're tracking him. He thinks that you're dead. Let's keep it that way."

"Its a new lead, Damon. We haven't had one in a while."

"Okay," Damon says, surrendering. "I'll check it out. If I find anything, I'll call you."


It was no use. Damon was already up the stairs.

I had to admit, Damon wasn't all that terrible to me over these past few months. I personally, have been a wreck. I kissed Damon as he lay in his deathbed, then he didn't die and Stefan sold himself to Klaus in order to save him...

"You would've liked me in 1864," Damon said weakly, eyes barely open.

"I like you now." I whispered back.

"I know you love Stefan, and its always gonna be Stefan. But I love you, Elena. I just want you to know that."

"I do." Tears were falling as I placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Thank you," Damon whispered with a smile on his face, eyes closed. He looked content. I was happy to know that he would die peacefully, knowing that I did care about him, loved him in my own way.

But then it didn't happen like that at all.

Katherine came in, fed Damon Klaus's blood, told us that Stefan was off with Klaus paying for it, and right before she left she gave me these words: "Its okay to love them both... I did."

I remember feeling shocked, confused, heartbroken, so many things. I remember Damon slowly sitting up, as I sank down into a chair.

Stefan had sacrificed so much for his brother and in a way I felt that I had betrayed him by kissing Damon. So I had to do everything in my power to get him back.

The sound of my cell phone ringing brings me from my thoughts. "Hey Caroline,"

"Elena! Great! So meet at the boardinghouse tonight at 7, for your party!"

"Yeah the one I didn't want to have."

"Oh stop, you'll have fun."

"I hope so," I sigh. "Just keep it small."

"See ya later!" -click-

I sigh putting my phone back in my pocket. I see Andie walking down the stairs on her way to go to work. Did she give me a look of pity? Does she know something about Stefan that Damon isn't telling me?

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