Master's Reward (BoyXBoy)

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Grrrrrreeeeeeetings mortals! I, am Alexi Stride, but you can call me Alex, Stride, or Li. I go by many names as you can see.. I don't really know how to do this introduction thing.. but I guess this was my best shot! Hope you find my story ok enough. ^_^


My name is Alexi, just Alexi. I don't have a last name, I haven't since my Master took me in. My master is very caring, and if I had a last name, then I would be able to be found, then wouldn't I?

I woke up at dusk, curled up in a ball underneath the silken covers that Master provided for me, my eyes opening in wide, oval shaped pupils as I smiled at the cool darkness around me. My acute senses picked up on almost everything. I could hear the servents below me scurrying around, performing their daily and nightly chores, I could hear the rats in the walls. They should really get rid of them, but I guess rodents couldn't be helped if we lived in an old, old building. Hell, the walls were stone, how did the rats get in in the first place?... Oh well. I could also smell the night's evening breakfast, and fresh blood to keep me and Master going for the next few nights. But that didn't matter, we were going hunting tonight. I oh so loved hunting. The rush of the hunt is undescribable, meaning I don't know how to tell you about it.

I got out of my fourpost bed and almost glided to the wardrobe across from my bed, smiling as I picked out a nice suit that my master always loved seeing me in. I lived to please the master, thus was my job as his pet. I went to the door and it opened with a satisfying creak. I LOVED to let master know I was awake.

Soon, I was down the stairs and entering the dining room, I spotted Master and smiled as I scampered to his side, taking my place in the seat to his right. I watched as the guests and servents walked around, mingling and doing their jobs. My master ruffled my hair and I smiled at him. He smiled back, his fangs glistening at me in the candle light. I licked my lips and reached for a golden goblet, filled with the essense of life itself. Master smacked my hand and shook a finger, tsking at me. I pouted and rubbed my hand. I then turned my attention to the guests. Of course it was nobody I had met before, anyone who had visited here has never once returned, I suppose it couldn't be helped once they knew our true nature.

Master gathered everyone's attention, and I watched as the servents backed off, clearing out of the room and locking the doors they went into. I smiled a little, making sure to hide my own, smaller fangs.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to our lovely home, and I thank you for joining us in our glorious feast!" There were a few claps and nods, and some quiet cheering. Everyone stood there for a moment, wondering what was confusing them.

"May the feast, begin!" Master clapped his hands and the lights went out, a few startled screams, and then I heard a glutteral sound. Master was on the move! I smiled and stood up, watching as the puny mortals stumbled around in the dark, and watched as my master chose his appetizer. Now the feast was beginning. I took a look at the door and watched as a few of the guests 'escaped', not knowing that every door and window was sealed. If they made it to morning, they were free to go, and if not? Well, me and Master got out Midnight snacks..

Let the Hunt.. Begin!


I just thought I'd end it there for now, give you a taste of what Alexi and his Master are like, but  guarentee there WILL be back story next chapter! Please keep looking for this, I'll try to write as much as I can. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2012 ⏰

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