Your worthless heart

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"HELP" i yelled. my heart was beating so quick. "let me go! i want to go home" , "oh you will be going to your second home little missy" a man said. my eyes were covered with a bandana it was pitch black. "dont be scared missy" he said "DONT CALL ME THAT !! " i said , "FIRST AND LAST TIME YOU CALL ME THAT !" he laughed. "stop it" i said "dont hurt me", he laughed even harder. i began to cry, "dont you cry you cute thing, pretty girls dont cry" , "stop it now" i whispered. bumps , honking, bumps, beeping, i was in a car... sweat.. i was smelling sweat. it was so hot in this car. i began to shake my head back and forth so the bandana would fall off, within a few shakes, my bandana began to fall down.. i was able to see something, two men, black windows... but their was something i saw i couldnt believe..... my golden necklace.. "ooh .. there you are" i said , "SHES FREE" the man screamed, "no!" i yelled trying to put my bandana back up. "you stupid brat" *SLAP* .. i fell sideways onto the car floor, i blacked out. i began to wake up.. as i was waking up i was noticing a roof.. a table and a bed. i got up to see other items, a lamp, two couches, a very very tiny kitchen, a huge water gallon and 3 frames. "i need to get out of here" i whispered. i looked around to see what was surrounded by me. nothing. "hello!?!? somebody?!?" i growled. nothing. "damn" i whispered. i was reaching out to see if anyone was coming as i was struggling to get up. "you can do it grrr" i said "come on 1,2,3" i got up. "god" i whispered, "hello??" i said "where the fuck are they..!" i growled
i walked over to the kitchen to find something to eat, oreos, bread, chicken nuggets.. "uhh.." i whispered , i needed something that could fill me up. so i grabbed the bread and threw in the chicken nuggets inside, it was like a chicken sandwich. "this is really good oh my god" i said, enjoying my food i hear the door open . "no" i whispered scared to death, "hahah look whos awake" the man said , "and look shes eating our food!" the other man protested. "i was hungry" i said nervously. "well we dont care" both men said, "do you want any water?" the man said in anger. "yes..." i said "please" he handed me the cup of water i snatched it from his hand and quickly began to swallow it , "yes ive been waiting for this" i said , "can i go home now.. please" i told them , "never in a million years!" he screamed "but why" i screamed , "because your ugly and stupid" , i didnt know what to say .. "well.. not as stupid as you!" i said back , the man laughed "omg you are very funny, hey, whats your name? " ... "Judeisi" i said "my name is Judeisi"
, "wow thats a very nice name actually" one man said, "shut up" the other man whispered to him , "well thanks" i said , "whats your name?" i said uncarely , "Steven and Rob" (Steven was the nicer one) "ah.. i dont really care so yeah." i said in anger. "hey whats wrong?" Steven said. "whats wrong? WHATS WRONG? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING ME THAT??" "HEYYY RELAX" Rob said , "HOW... am i going to relax" i whispered , "can i just talk to my parents?" , "no" Rob said, "okay." i said uncarely , but in my head i was very upset. i just acted like i didnt care. i was very terrified. worried about my family, concerned. ~uhh common please God help me~ i said in my head. "Common little girl" Rob said , "wh- where?.." i said very scared. "dont question me and get the fuck up" he answered. pulling me by my shirt picking me up. "careful" steven whispered to Rob. Rob looked back at Steven and rolled his eyes, "shut up" , he turned back . I went in a smelly place.. it smelled like shit in here. "gosh what is this" i said. Rob pushed me to the wall, "take off your shirt" he said, "never." i screamed, i looked back at Steven, he put his head down, I looked back at Rob, "i said take it the fuck off" , "I SAID NO" i yelled back, he moved towards me and tried to kiss me. I tried blocking his face with my arms. i just couldnt no more, he was so damn strong, my arms were so sore, "STOP" i yelled ... *mch" ... he kissed me.. as he was kissing me, he was holding my hands down so i wouldnt block him or push him, i was struggling to get off of him. he let my hands go and threw me to the floor hard. i felt so much pain in my back, i was arching my back trying to heal the pain. "stop dont do it Rob" Steven screamed. "Shut up and leave" Rob said, "but--" , "I SAID LEAVE" Rob interrupted. "Dont do this to her what are you thinking IDIOT" steven angrily said. Rob stomped his foot hard on the floor and sucked his teeth, "TO FUCKING HELL WITH IT GET OUT" Rob screamed, Steven didnt know what to say , he was still standing there. Rob walked over to Steven and spit on his face and said "oh sorry i confused you with shit" he laughed and pushed him out and locked the door. "god who are you.." i whispered. as he was walking over towards me i was trying to protect my self with a pillow. "dont hurt me" i said, he snatched the pillow and threw it accross the room and pulled me up, he was trying to take my clothes off. "take off your shirt" he said, "i already said no" i said back. he smacked me. i tried holding in the pain. he began to rip my clothes. i had nothing to do. i couldnt do anything. he was smiling as he was taking my bra off .. "god please help me" i whispered . he began to take off my underwear, i felt extremely uncomfortable. he smiled at me and took of his shirt.. "please dont do it" i said crying, "no promises" he creepily said. "oh my god" i said crying, he took off his pants and began to do what he wanted to do. "STOP IT NOW" i yelled "PLEASE" i yelled again. "STOP , DONT DO IT" Steven was screaming through the door, banging on the door. "im enjoying this so fuck all of you" Rob said, i began to cry harder, closing my eyes. after he was done, i put my clothes back on crying. "it was fun" he said , "SHUT UP" i said screaming and crying . he started laughing. "open the door!!" Steven screamed, "ugh their their" Rob said as he was opening the door "happy?" he said, Steven ran to me and asked if i was okay. "dont touch me" i said to him. i walked away. i went to the sofa and lyed down there crying. "we'll be back in a little we're going clubbing" Rob said . "im not going" said steven, "i didnt ask, you're going and thats it" Rob said back , "c'mon lets go nobody has time for you" , "bye" steven told me , "goodbye" i whispered . Rob got infront of him, opened the house door and walked outside. Steven ran to me and whispered, "there is bread and ham if you are hungry and water in the fridge" , i smiled .. "thank you so much" i said , he smiled at me. "STEVEN" Rob screamed "fuck" steven whispered "IM COMING" he then screamed. he left and shut the door. i began to look for something to message or call my parents, after 15 minutes i found a MOTOROLA cellphone . "oh my god yes thank you!" i happily said , "okay so 947-231-5678" i said to myself as i was dialing the number. i pressed the cellphone on to my ear , it was working. "c'mon pick up the phone mom" i said . "hello?" a voice said , "MOM" i happily screamed "mother! its me Judeisi!!" , "oh my god" my mom cried , "its me momma, your daughter" i cried . "are you safe baby? is everything okay" , thinking back when I just got raped by Rob. i hesistated and said "im fine, but I need to get out of here" i said , "whats the adress hurry!!" my mom yelled "001 swershing ave." i said. "ill call the police right--" all of a sudden, we got cut off "Hello!!!??" i screamed "mom!! mom answer! momma!" i cried . nothing. i looked back at the cellphone "L o w b a t t e r y" , "fuck" i screamed. i threw the phone and began to scream. why do the bad things happen to the good people? lesson #1 , be mean to recieve peace?. i dont know if that made sense but lets deal with it. after six hours i heard the door opening, i jumped to the couch , closed my eyes and pretended i was asleep. "gee shut up" Rob whispered. i tried twitching to try and see something. i heard footsteps and all of a sudden there was silence.. i got very scared, i slowly got up trying to see where the men were. all of a sudden a YANK . Rob pulled my hair with all his forces, dragging me, "STOP" i yelled "LET ME GO" , he then covered my mouth, there was a stack of wooden stairs leading to the basement , "dont do it" i said, he hesitated and kicked me down the stairs, it was a lot of stairs, about 50 stairs , i was in pain. "NOOOO" Steven yelled, i didnt know what was happening, at one point everything was black. i believe i had a concusion or something. as i was waking up , i noticed a camera in front of me and Rob right next to me . "where am I" i said , "in your second home" Rob answered , "HELPPPP" i screamed with all my forces, "HELP HELP HELPPP" i yelled again, rob quickly stood up and covered my mouth, i began to bite his hand , "you little monster" he said, i began to cry, my teeth were hurting. he had such brolic hands, i felt 2 crack tooths . i gave up and let him go. "what do you want from me" i said crying , "you" he said back . i was very terrified , i didnt know what he meant by that. anything could've happened. "just let me go" i cried "please" , steven ran down to the basement and walked over to Rob , "dude" he said "let the poor girl leave, look how she's suffering" . Rob got very mad and got up walked upstairs and shut the door. i began to cry and cry and cry, i wouldnt stop crying . "ugh gee im sorry" steven told me , "he forces me to kidnap girls but i dont want to, im not that type of person" he added, i looked at him with hate "so why the hell do you do it" i angrily said back "BECAUSE" he angrily yelled , "because if i dont he'll kill me" he finished. "and your scared of him? please." i said , "yes i am . i am scared of him okay" steven said. "and how long have you been doing this immature stuff?" i said patiently . He gasped, "12 years" he said with his head down , "TWELVE YEARS? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS ? AND ALL THIS TIME YOU DIDNT HAVE THE FUCKING BALLS TO SIGN HIM UP ? " i yelled with so much anger , "Oh, no no but 12 years isnt a long time" i exageretaley said, "Listen" steven said "listen?" i interrupted "listen to what? all the fucking bullshit your gonna tell me?" i angrily said , "stop" steven said , "please let me speak" he said, "rob is my brother, our parents died when we were 6. he was always the mean one and i was the nicer one, when we were 23 he decided to start kidnapping people to get money. i didnt want to do it, but he told me if i didnt do it he was going to kill me. and if you dont know, my wife is in Iraq fighting for our country. i have a little girl who's 4 years old, her name is Judeisi . like yours. thats why i told you i liked your name. when you told me your name was Judeisi, it reminded me of my little girl, i realized it would hurt ME if my little Judeisi was ever kidnapped , so i wasn't in to hurting you. i never hurted any of the people Rob and I would kidnap. over these 12 years, Rob has raped over 3,000 women. until this day, my life has changed. all because of you, thank you." after what he said, my heart melted, "I.. I dont know what to say" i slowly said, i looked at him very closely, i saw tears running down his face, one after another. i reached over and gave him a hug, i began to cry and told him "everything is going to be fine" i said , "i'll be with you to heal this pain" i finished , "thank you" steven cried. i backed up and wiped his tears. i turned to my right and i remembered the camera was there filming everything. i got up and stoped the recording. i grabbed the camera, looked at steven and said "now we'll call the police and show them this video, this video will explain everything" i said "okay" steven cried , we both walked upstairs to call for help. Rob was missing, "fuck" i said "do you think he heard us and escaped?" i said , "yes absolutely" steven replied. the door was knocking, steven opened the door and it was the police with my parents, "momma" i cried , "baby" she cried we ran to eachother and hugged. i hugged my dad after wards. "we have a lot to explain" steven told the police. the police went to look for Rob, he was in a tent about 15 miles away from the house. we went to a court and the judge said in exact words, "Rob Dickson, you are to be put in jail after this case. according to all the things you have done, you will remain in jail for 24 years. Case Closed" the police men took Rob and it was the end for him. Steven and his daughter, Judeisi, lived with my family and I. after 6 years, little Judeisi was 10. We recieved a call from prison, and the guard had told us Rob was murdered while taking a shower. A large thick medal pole was put in his stomach by another mate. his lungs were all over the floor. Moving on to the future.. now, i am 24 years old. My name, Judeisi Mota. Age when i was kidnapped and raped, 15. I have a wonderful husband and a great little girl. In life we recieve pain. we recieve pain to become stronger, stronger, gives us success, and success, gives us life. So parish every second of your life. I'm finishing my journey, now it's time to finish yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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