honestly my bestfriend maria dosent like marilisa and they faught but yah
me-with an honest answer r u scarred of maria??/
marilisa-no wtf lol (x why?
me-because every time she walks past u put ur head down
marilisa-no not all the time why im scarred of her
me-no but she said you put ur head down every time she walks past
marilisa-nah not even not ever time aye but tell me does gabby talk about me or jessie? i wont say nothing i promise
(note:to be true u know she told becaus eshe had a double negative)
me-nah not even maria only trinidy does but maria says jessie is cool and trinidy says that you still talk about maria
marilisa-nah not maria and nah trinidy is stupid i swear man i havent put her name in my mouth and what doe strinidy say about me?and what does bout gabby does she talk shit about me and jessie??i wont say nothing.....
(note:again double)
me-no gabby dosent say anything and you girls but btw maria only talk shit when trinidy says you girls were and trinidy started it thats why you and maria faught and she said i had beef with jessie but it onlt trinidy....honest
marilsa-who has beef with jessie??soo trinidy the only one who talk shit?? and why every time gabby walks by me she always dog us??
(note-dog=stare down)
me-...yes...and becaus etrinidy said that you and jessie were talking about us
gtg i will finish later
passing notes in class
Poesiamy notes that I been passing in class with my bestfriends some are stupid and crazy some of them with gossip so you should like them