Writing Number One

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             Steady breaths slowly turning crazy. I ran as fast as I could, dodging the trees in my way. The forest was a blur as I kept going. Suddenly I sat up in bed, drenched in sweat. I have been having dreams like this for the past month. But I never could find out exactly what I was running from. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, slowly getting out of bed. I dragged my stiff body down the stairs and to the kitchen and got a drink of water.

             The glass cup in my hand slipped, crashing to the ground. As I bent down to clean up the pieces I heard the most strange noise. It was a mix of a dog growl and a roar of a lion. I knew my dog was inside, but a lion? I didn't live by a zoo. Maybe one got lose and traveled all this way? But that couldn't be. I lived thirty miles from the nearest town. Let alone the nearest zoo. If a lion was lose I'm sure I would have been warned. I ran upstairs to see my dog growling out the window. I walked over to him and looked out to see a man dragging my neighbor into the woods. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. 

              Suddenly they were gone. Should I go after them? Should I call the cops? By the time the cops would get here she could be dead, and he would be gone. I sighed and went over to my phone, calling the cops. They said they would be here in about an hour, and that I should lock  myself in a room in case the person saw me. I grabbed my phone and my dog and ran down the stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some water and some food, extra batteries and flashlights, I grabbed some matches and candles to. I took everything down to my panic room and put everything in there. I already had a dog bed and lots of blankets in there. I set the alarm and got in the room, locking myself in. I set up everything and pored out my dog some food. A loud ringing started all throughout the house. Who ever it was, was here. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I sat in that room for what felt like hours. The time slowly ticking by. I checked the time and it had only been forty minutes since I called the cops. I sighed and laid down, covering myself up with the blankets, my dog laying down with me. 

            Twenty minutes later I heard the sirens in the distance and I jumped up. I would wait until they got here, and I knew I was safe. My alarm was still going off, but suddenly I heard a different alarm. Why was my smoke alarm going off? Was he trying to start a fire? Panic set in. Is this how I would go out? 

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