Why You?

92 2 4

Zen: Hello is anyone on?
Jumin Han: hello Zen.
Zen: I see that nobody is one I'll go.
Jumin Han: Excuse me?
Zen: sigh hello Trust fund kid. Sorry when I asked if anyone was here I was asking if  there anyone here worth talking to.
Jumin Han: Now that's just a bit rude don't you think.
Zen: No, not when it comes to you.
-------707 has entered the chat-----------

707: Come on guys make love not war.
Zen: Excuse me what???
707: Nothing never mind. So Jumin how are you?
Jumin Han: I'm fine.... thank you for asking.
Zen: I need to go I can feel my allergies acting up just from him being here.
------------Zen has left the chat-----------

Jumin Han:  I fail to see how that's possible.
707: I think that's his way of saying he does not want to talk to you anymore.
Jumin Han:  He is so strange.
707: Jumin I have a question.
Jumin Han: What is it?
707: Does Jumin Han is gay?
Jumin Han: You make me cringe, you know that I am not gay and never will be.
707: I think you are should help me pull a prank on Zen.
Jumin Han: It depends on the idea.
707: okay, I'll text you my idea.
---------707 had left the chat-------------

------Jumin Han has left the chat--------

Jumin Hans Text Messages with seven.

707: Okay so my theory is that Zen is gay and I think he is in love with you.
Jumin Han: I think you are insane we don't like each other as friends let alone lovers.
707: My trick will help me find out.
Jumin Han: what is the trick.
707: I want you to try to get him to fall in love with you.
Jumin Han: What's in it for me if I do?
707: I will leave Elizabeth the 3rd alone.
Jumin Han: You have yourself a deal but if it goes to far then I will stop and I'm doing this around my busy schedule.
707: Okay! Thank you dude this will be awesome!
Jumin Han: Whatever you say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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