Everything Is Black

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Narrator's P.OV.

There once was a small girl named Elisebeth, she was at the age of 10 when her family had to move away to Fremont California because of her father's job.  Her father was a kind hearted man named Johnathan. Her mother a parent of two lovely children Elisebeth and William Jones. William was a boy at the age of 15 when his family moved, he was a slightly shy boy. All of the kids in the neighborhood seemed to laugh at William along with the acasual name calling of Elisebeth. They were fine children, really they were but because of their father's job they were treated badly. Johnathan was indeed a nice man but when it came to work he would do anything to provide for his family. He became a local butcher to the town Conroe at the age of 17. When the family moved they had to leave most everything behind in Conroe.

Elisebeth's P.O.V.

'It's been a long time since I got to Fremont, When the family moved a was only a small girl but now i have a family of my own.'  Elisebeth was a young woman at the age of 24. 'I remember like it was yesterday... I was sitting on a small bench when my mother walked up to me with a small frown on her face. "Sweetie Daddy and I have something to tell you, " I looked up at her with innocent baby blue eyes my blonde hair framing my small porcelain like face. "Your father and I have decided to move to Fremont California..." My beautiful mother by the name of Olivia stated her almost purple irises filled with pain yet masked by happiness. "You're kidding me right!" My older brother William pitches in from the door frame. Olivia looked over to him and frowned. " I know you didn't want this to happen and neither did I but your father and I have to..."  William looked at me and sighed. "Those idiots that live here have finally learned to except me!" He let out a small growl. "Why would people not like you? You're a fine young man." My mother's eyebrows frowned. A small blush crept onto the teens face and he looked down. "They picked on us because of Pa's job..." I saw a small tear run down his cheek. "Yeah their big meanies!" I but in from the bench. "Well we all have our friends and our foes. That is true but why would people be pricks about something so stupid." My beautiful mother stated lifting William's chin, she used her thumb to wipe his tears.'

'I can also remember when we first got to Fremont, I absolutely derided being there without my best friend Emma. Yet I learned to get over it and quick. I met a new girl named Rose. She was okay, kind of depressing but still fun. Me and her did everything together, until she moved away too. Then I was stuck as a teen without any friends.'

'I can still recall when it happened... The day everyone except me and Millie our dog died. I was sitting on the porch of my house when all of a sudden the dirt started to lift in our cropping field. What was going on you may ask oh yeah my first experience of the dust bowl and my last as well to be a matter of fact. "William! Ma! Pa!" I remember my teenage legs running to my dog Millie and picking her up. I was scared no one had come back inside. Not a single opening of the door. I started to cry, tears fled from my eyes not telling a sign of stopping.'

'Two weeks later I was able to leave my house because the wind started to decrease. The second I opened the front door I dropped to my knees and balled my eyes out. There in front of my doorstep was a bloody and cut version of my mother Olivia. It looked like she was trying to come inside but couldn't make it in time. I got up after 20 minutes of crying and walked down to the cropping field only to see yet again another dead body. This one was more mangled and scarred. This body was my brothers, as I stared in discussed at his body I started to remember why he would of been out here in the first place. It was because my father had asked him to work on the field that day. I took a deep breath and moved on, just as I was about to turn back I stepped in a slimy liquid. I slowly looked down to see that I stepped right in a crimson liquid that I assumed was blood. My eyes trailed to the edge of the blueberry patch I was in just to stop at the sight of a beaten body of my one and only hero, my father Johnathan. My jaw dropped as I looked at his face, he had a missing ear and half of his facial skin was dangling from the center of his face. I screamed in horror, hyperventilating uncontrollably. They were all dead and it was my fault.'

'I went years without a family until I met Dirik. He was a nice young man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes that I could stare into for the rest of my life. Anyways when I met him I was 20 he was a few years older. I instantly fell in love with him his charming looks, crooked smile, and amazing personality. Three years later we had a wonderful little girl named Yui. She was my own creation she was my true happiness. Yet she passed away at a year old, she had a brain tumor that could not be removed. Leading me to now in my life, I'm a depressed 24 year old woman that can't stand life without her baby. So I have decided to kill myself. I've lost my baby, my parents, and my only sibling.'

I write a small note to my husband Dirik, it says 'Dear Dirik, Always keep your head high even though I am not here. Just know that I died and vein, and the world around me is the one to blame. I know in a year you'll forget I'm gone. I'm not really something to be dwelled on. At least that's what my head tells me. So I'm going by the sense majority rules. I know that you'll not want to go on any longer but I hope this makes you stronger. You're the best friend I've ever had, such a shame I had to make you very sad. So now I'm sending down a pure white dove to watch over you. Along with being my helpful eyes, so this is it world. -Goodbye' I ran to the bathroom with my note and set it on the sink. I grabbed my meat cutting knife and sliced deep into my wrist, one cut, two cuts, three cuts, four. The blood started rushing down my arm to the floor. The last thing I saw was a tear dip onto my arm before everything went black. I guess this is what it's like when everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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