Dear ME.....,

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Dear Me,

i am sorry for the way i have treated you in our past. I haven't always treated you kindly but i promise i will love you from this day forth. I will be kind to you, i will love you more then i do my family,friends,relationships and general populous. I've been through so much pain and heartbreak i can and have survived it all i do now is let go of all the sorrow , pain and anger and hatred. I just want to tell you your heart is free to love again, to heal again it is okay to feel this pain but let go of your hearts aggressors and tormentors just forgive and forget the things that have pained you far beyond anyone's understanding of your grievances. Please Tammy, your light needs to know that your soul is free to be 100 percent full of love, life , joy and lessons. Move on and better yourself love has no bounds or limitations hate does always remember your worth


Tammy snakefoot dragon JakeGrason Bangemu.

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