Part 1

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Run! Don't look back!

Is what I kept telling myself.

3 months earlier:

I was awaken by my annoying six-year-old sister, Kira. Feeling sluggish, I pushed her off , screaming at her.

Get out of my room, go bother someone who cares!. Throwing off my blanket, I chased her out of my room, slamming the door with rage.I whispered to myself,

yet another day of torture. Honestly, Im not looking forward to the endless days of wandering the halls of my school alone, being stopped multiple times by the endless amount of airheaded bullies at my school . Ever since middle school Ive been bullied, not once has anyone tried to stop it. Their responses always the same;

Avoid them, stop talking to them. Oh, and this one is my personal favorite; Maybe if you were less annoying. At this point, I just gave up on being social and making friends, it was just a waste of time. The bullying all started on a beautiful sunny day in April when I accidentally smashed my cupcake all over Lily Thomsons new dress at a birthday party. Let me tell you if looks could kill, I would be 6 feet under right now. I wouldn't the have privilege of entertaining you with my dramatic childhood. Her annoying high pitch voice let out this horrible sound.

Oh, you did it now Ophelia! Look what you did to my dress! I wiped some frosting onto her nose,

Missed a spot, I laughed, along with everyone else.

I swear I will make you wish youve never been born! She shrieked as she stomped away with her two mindless sidekicks.

Well, after that she made it her goal to make the rest of my life a living hell and that, along with everything else in her perfect life , went just as planned. Just last week as I was walking home I knew something felt off. It felt like someone was watching me. Picking up my pace, I heard a twig snap and turned around to see Lily and her gang smirking at me. What do we have here asked Lily with a devious look in her eyes. I guess mommy didn't warn you about walking alone in the woods. Two of them appeared from the side and held me still, Let me go! I screamed, trying to escape their tight grips. It was no use, she threw yellow paint on me while another girl threw feathers. Humiliated,I fell to the ground as they released me, I got up and ran as they let me go, Run away chicken they all laughed while making chicken sounds, I started crying once I noticing someone was videotaping it. I should've known I wasn't going to have at least one normal day. The next day walking into school everyone stared at me, pointing fingers, and whispering. I saw pictures of me covered in paint and feathers hanging in the hall for everyone to see. My Locker was painted yellow, filled with feathers and the words Chicken Little painted on the outside. By then I wasn't even phased, hopefully today will be a little better than usual.

After taking a shower and getting dressed I ran downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat before I rushed off to school. Instead of seeing apples I saw my angry looking mom tapping her foot. How many times do I have to tell you to be nice to your sister?

Ticked off that my mom is annoying me this early in the morning I rolled my eyes, Maybe she should know not to mess with me and to mind her own business! I shouted with rage.Equally mad my mom shouted,

Really Ophelia? When will you realize she's six years old and loves you? When are you going to learn not to waste this opportunity to be a loving big sister and act like a 17-year-old girl! With my face red with anger I stomped out of my house wishing that they would all just disappear so nobody could bully me or yell at me.

I arrived at school with a grumbling stomach realizing I forgot to grab breakfast. Maybe if Im fast enough I can make it to my locker to get an orange without being seen by Lily. I was just coming around the corner when Lily spotted me. Well isn't it Chicken Little? She laughed, I looked down biting my lip trying not to cry, What cat got your tongue? Hey maybe she needs some coffee. One of her sidekicks suggested. I think you're right. She throw her coffee in my face while she laughed. I can't take this anymore, so I did what I do best; I ran with tears in my eyes to the nearest bathroom, already thinking how could this day possibly get worse?

Authors Note:

This is my first story , please vote and tell me what needs to be fixed or if I made any mistakes.

~ SuperAwesomeCrybaby

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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