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We are currently in the Summer holidays after Jily 6th year (James and lily aren't dating...yet🙃🙃🙃)
"Come on potter, Hurry up!!!" Lily yelled entering the forest
James laughed "I would be able to if you helped me with some of this"
"James it's all yours" 
he laughed "yeah I know"

Finally they reached the centre and set down there stuff taking in the magnificent view (for James that view was lily) I can't believe she agreed to come to come out with me exclaimed (in his mind of course)
"So what do you want to do"
"EAT!" James chuckled at her response
"I am serious! I haven't had anything to eat in like 4 hours" she moaned
" Oh my, how could I have been so insensitive" he replied mockingly

Lily looked down at her watch. wow we have been here for 5 hours she thought.
"Hey lily show me your patrons "James asked seemingly out of nowhere
"Come on evans can't you do a patronus charm"
Lily rolled her eyes "Maybe but why should I have to show you if you can't do one"
"I can do one"
"Prove it than"
James drew his wand out oh his bag and pointed it toward the sky of the forest clearing
"EXPECTO PATRONUM" he yelled making the birds of the forest scatter. A silver stag immediately erupted from the tip of his wand and pranced around, weaving in and out of the trees
"So evans let see you do it"
Lily grabbed her wand and walked over to where James was standing, giving hi a playful push she closed her eyes, scrunched her nose up and yelled EXPECTO PATRONUM! A doe similar to Jameses doe burst out of the end of her wand a headed over to edge of the clearing to play with James stag.

James and lily staring blankly into the forest for a moment
"I..I..I I gotta go" lily muttered grabbing her stuff before running into the forest
"Wait" James yelled, reaching out towards the direction she had run of to but it was to late. She was gone and he was left with nothing but his stuff and there two matching patronses galloping around him. Stating at notbing. Hoping that she would come back. Hoping this would help her to love him. But he knew the chances of that. So he just let his warm tears comfert him as he leaned against a tree the two patronses fading away

Sorry this is so short but I promise later chapters will be longer

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