Chapter 1~An Ex-Popular, A Girl With No Legs, and A Painfully Shy Girl

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Chapter 1~An Ex-Popular, A Girl With No Legs, and A Painfully Shy Girl

Skyler’s Holmes, no I’m not related to Sherlock Holmes, which is a fictional character but thats beside the point. I don’t talk much but I love music and writing. I can’t sing dance or act, and most of the reason why, I hate talking to people (and I have no talent). I have brown hair and blue eyes like my dad who left us when my brother was born, I hate him, and he’s most likely the reason why I don’t trust. I live with my Mom and my younger brother Elliot. He’s sweat heart I love him. 

I have one and a half friends. So there’s Cindy, blonde, beautiful, but she is the most suborn person I have ever met in my life, she loud and outgoing, the complete opposite from me. She used to be one of the populars and then she broke up with this jerk who slapped her in the face, yeah they still can’t find his car keys. Long story short don’t get on Cindy’s bad side. The populars called her a psycho, and she ended up at my table.That was freshmen year, two years ago. 

Then there’s Ariel, (her real name is Jenifer but we call her Ariel, you know because she has no legs. her idea). She was born without legs. So she’s my half friend (also her idea). She moved into my school in 6th grade, she was an outcast like me, so we kinda just meshed and became friends. Her hair is black, and her eyes are green, she is surprisingly skinny for someone who doesn't have legs. She was teased a lot in middle school but not so much anymore. 

I go to Berkeley High School, home of the Yellow jackets. It’s nothing special but it’s better then nothing. I’m a A plus student, with 2 collage classes I take online. My mom says I’m putting to much pressure on my self, but I say a little pressure is a good thing. 

“It’s Friday Skyler, go out with Ariel or something, you will only be this young once, you have your whole life ahead of you to read.” 

“Mom, this is the way I like to spend my Friday nights, don’t you understand, I get it mom, but I don’t like going out. Besides Cindy is at a party and Ariel is sick.” I put down The Fault in Our Stars, and sigh. 

“You must have other friends?” She crosses her arms and leans her hip onto the door frame. 

“You know that answer mom,” I flip onto my side facing the wall. My bed sinks a bit by my back, stating that my mom is sitting on my bed. I wasn’t upset or sad, but I just wanted her to go. 

“Honey, you know what I meant,” She places her hand on my arm, I move to shake it off.

“Mom, I just want to read my book so yeah,” I look at her, my mom would always tell me stories about her crazy collage life, thinking that maybe I would follow in her footsteps. 

“Nope you are going out tonight, or I’ll take away your computer,” 

“I’m okay with that,” I sit up. 

“Well I’m not, up,” My mom stands up and runs into my closet. She grabs my black skirt and a sparkly purple shirt that she bought me a year ago. “You are going to that party that Cindy is at, text her,” I sigh and grab my  phone. 

“Mom I don’t want to,” She cuts me off.

“You need to be social I’m sorry hun but you need to make friends.” 


“No buts, now text her.”

Hey do you think I could come to the party tonight?  I send the text because my mom is hovering over me. My mom and I sit in awkward silents as we wait for her to text back. 

05529 Richard Street Why? I show my mom the text and she smiles. 

“Get dressed, I’ll drive you when you’re ready,” She smiles. She leaves my room, silents shallows me whole. I lay out the clothes on my bed they look so I'm uncomfortable. You know your shy when your mom wants you to go to a party with collage kids. I slip on the skirt and blouse, not as bad as I thought. 

I texted Cindy 

My mom is making me go. Another one of her you need to be more social rants.  I place my phone in my small brown and blue oversized bag, also my Fault in Our Stars book. I walk out of my room, and then down stairs. 

“Aw darling you look beautiful!” My mom cups my face in her hands. 

“Thanks mom,” I move my head from her hands. 

“Okay we’ll drive my car, wait, you can’t hull that huge bag around, leave it home.” 

“Mom, I need my back, what about my phone?” She stands there with a duh look on her face. 

“Just put it in your shirt.” My shirt I hate the idea my cold touch screen on my chest, I get shivers just thinking about it. 

“I am not putting my phone in my shirt,” I cross my arms. “Let me just take my bag, I need it mom, I don’t ever want to go to this party I won’t know anyone there,” 

“You know Cindy,” 

“She will be with her party friends mom, can’t I just stay home and read my book!” I throw my arms down. 

“Fine, go back into your bedroom, and be antisocial, I just want what is best for you sweetie!” She places her hands on mine. 

“I know mom, I’m not antisocial, just shy, I’ll go to a party when Ariel is  feeling better I promise,” She smiles as I walk back to my room. I strip off of my “party clothes” and get into my footsie pjs. This is what I call a Friday night. 

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