CRASH! BOOM !BANG! Gun shots all around me blood running down my face, gashes in my legs,
part of my ear missing. The world has gone to hell. Then I heard an alarm. I'm seeing symbols every where pentagrams, hexagram (looks like the star of David with a circle around it), and more but I don't know the names of them
Then I woke up and realized that it was all just a nightmare, but it felt like it meant something. So I turn and looked at the alarm clock and remember that I have a job interview at 1:30. Before I went to the job in my new suit with a blue tie, I had to go to Starbucks and get a pumpkin spice mocha.
Then I went to the interview at state-farm and the man walked in the room and said Mr.Stewart jones. I said."Good evening mr..." He interrupted "Harry." When I looked at him I saw something on his neck it was the hexagram from my dreams. I rubbed my eyes and it was gone, so we went of with the interview
I could not stop thinking about the hexagram and I couldn't go to sleep, so that night I look up it and it read:" Hexagram - it is one if the most potent symbols used in the darkness. It is also used to work magic."
So I woke up with a phone call at 10:26 am, so I answered it and it was the boss from State Farm. They have called to decline my survives, another words I didn't get the job. I still had a weird felling that something was different.
I went out again to look for a job, and I was thinking. What if life was turning into one of those online game like World of Warcraft or something. Then I passed a hobo and said. "Never mind."