My story. My life. My rape.

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I never thought something like this could happen to me. I have seen storys about it on the TV, but it doesn't really sink in untill it happens to you. When I was younger, I thought he was the greatest man in the world. He always got me everything I wanted and spoiled me silly. I loved going to his house to see him because I knew we would have fun. I use to love my grandfather. But that was before he tried to raped me.

Chapter one.

Hey I'm Daun, 14, I live in Illinois, and my parents are split up. See, my mother had me at 17. She was my fathers first girlfriend. They got pressured into having sex and well.. Here I am! I lived with my mother, her mother, and my Aunt for a while. But my Nana had my aunt just a year older then me.. so it was kinda hard to have two babys in the house. My mom moved out with me and we stayed in an apartment with one of her friends, then we moved again to an apartment alone.

I liked it there, living just us girls. I loved life back then. I was about 5 when she meet Pat. They dated for a while then moved in together. We stayed in the apartment. I wasn't to happy with him. It was like he was taking my mother away from me. She didn't play with me, or talk with me anymore. It was just her and Pat. I felt like she would rather not have me there. Like she just wanted to spend her life with this man without me there to mess things up.

That's why I didn't like Pat. There were other reasons, like how he was 13 years older then my mother, he was mean, and how he didn't like me. But its not like I could do anything about it. Hes with my mother and he made her happy. So I just had to deal with it. Well a few years after living in the apartment with him, we all moved out and into a house. It was an okay house, not big really. It had two bed rooms, one bathroom, a small kitchen, a dinning room, living room, and family room. I still live there with them, but we have one more person. My little sister, Rose. I hate my life here. I hate Pat. I hate Rose. I hate this house. I hate my school. I hate my family. But most of all I hate my grandfather.

So that's a little background about me. I know it doesn't make sence right now, but I will explain it all to you later. All that really matters is that this is the story of my life. Its not fake, and I wont put anything in it that is other then the names of people. Everything in this story that I tell you has happened to me. One young teenage girl. And have had to go threw all this shit in my life. So if you want to keep reading, good for you. Go ahead. But I don't want pitty from you. All I want from my readers is for them to know that things like this happen. They can happen to you, your friend, or even your daughter.

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