It all stared with a dream...

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I was outside of a giant temple. I was standing at the bottom of the steps when I had a sudden eager to go inside. I ran up the steps, the doors calling me, come on, come inside. I got to the doors and tried to pull them open. Key word: try. They were as heavy as my cat, Memow. Memow weighs 20 pounds. Anyway I finally got them open. I gasped as I stepped inside. To my utter surprise thousands of stone warriors filled the palace. All different faces that I didn't know but felt I should. I stepped up to one. It started to crumble, its body disintegrating. Then the warrior stopped falling apart and turned human. I didn't know was was happening. I wanted to escape. Then he started to speak. 

"Find us Fa, you must find us when you wake." I was so confused I wanted to scream and so I did. My scream started to shatter the palace making it shake and fall apart. And then I awoke. 

I gasped awake and grabbed for my cellphone on my nightstand. The time read 8:30. I usually get up around 9 but I didn't want to fall back asleep. I didn't want to have that dream again. I exhaled heavily and got out of bed. In my sleeping gown I wandered downstairs to find my mom. Instead I found my best friend; Lan sitting at my kitchen table. I rubbed my eyes to make sure it was really her. 

"Oh finally you're up! Do you have any ramen?" She was dressed in the strangest outfit. A beanie, camo pants, a giant sweatshirt and rainbow socks. I suppose she always dressed a bit funny but this was the weirdest I've seen. 

"Um yeah in the cabinet above the stove. Why are you here again?" she rolled her in a sassy way and got up to get the ramen.

"Because I wanted to pay you a visit. Why else would I be here?" I didn't believe her. my house was a train ride away from hers she wouldn't just show up. We stood in silence for a bit in some sort of staring contest. I won apparently.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay you win. I wanted to visit this new museum about these warriors and I kinda lost all my money so if you could pay that would be great." She took a breathe since she said it all in one breathe. She talked so fast I could only make out a couple words. 

"Uh yeah sure, sure let me just grab my money, get dressed and..." my voice trailed off as I went upstairs. Lan followed.  

Once I was dressed and ready to go I went to talk to my mom. It was easy to find her, she was out in the garden tending to the flowers. That garden was her prized possession. I walked up behind her. 

"Hello mother." She smiled and turned to face me. Her nose was caked with dirt and she looked funny. She was a very clean person, the garden was the only place she allowed herself to get messy.

"Good morning Fa." Once she saw me she went back to picking weeds. 

"May I go to the museum with Lan today? She really wants to." I knew it would be a long shot, getting out of the house for once but it was worth a try. My mother sighed.

"Did you study?" I couldn't believe she just asked me that. It's 8:30 in the morning and she expects me to be studying. I rolled my eyes and began to complain.

"Mother it's so early you can't expect to study every morning when I get up!" she turned around again and gave me one of her stern mom faces.

"Study and then you may go." she turned back to her plants very calmly. I on the other hand was the opposite of calm.

"Studying takes hours and Lan is waiting." My mother turned around once more this time with a glare on her face.

"Study and then you may go." she repeated. I groaned and went inside.

Lan was at the table eating her ramen. I took at seat by her.

"Can ya go?" I sighed and thought about my choices. I smiled, an impish idea crossing my mind. 

"Yeah be right back." I ran to the window and shouted, "Mom I'm going to the library to study!" she made a thumbs up sign as I happily skipped back to the kitchen.  

"Alright lets go." 

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