The Cake

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I dragged myself to my bedroom as I collapsed on the bed after an exhausting day at work. As I fell into bed I felt something crumple under me, I rolled over to find a now crumpled folded piece of paper with "Lauren" scribbled on the front. With rather poor handwriting I immediately recognized it to be the handwriting of my one and only girlfriend Camila.

I smile at just the thought of her name how many people do you know that just the mere thought of their name makes you break out into a smile. I excitedly unfolded the piece of paper and started to read it, it read "Lauren make your way to the kitchen I have a surprise in there waiting for you! Love you - Camz"

My smile somehow grows wider as I roll off the bed and start towards the kitchen. My horribly exhausting day at work completely forgotten in a matter of seconds all because of Camila. My mind starts to wonder as I walk down the hall to the kitchen, our two year anniversary isn't for another couple of weeks I wonder what she has waiting for me in the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen I notice on the table a chocolate cake, I walk closer and examine the writing on it. "Happy early anniversary babe I made this for you enjoy!" I look around for Camz I don't see her around, suddenly someone comes up behind me and puts their hands over my eyes. "Guess who" I smile instantly "Hmmm I wonder" I say sarcastic while tapping my foot "Could it be Ally?" She turns me around to face her, her facial expression in a gasp obviously faking shock. "Are you cheating on me with Ally" she said with her as I call it "I'm trying to be funny but I'm really just a big dork" voice. I stifle a laugh and play along with the game "I've been meaning to tell you Camz but I can't help it, it's love." "Well I guess I made this for nothing." she says gesturing towards the cake. "I guess so, but seriously did you really make this for me Camz?" "Yeah I did I wanted to surprise you with it." It's beautiful Camz I love it." "Oh wait I forgot something I'll be right back." She said running out of the kitchen.

She forgot a couple of different things too I think as I walk over to the drawer and take out two forks, a knife, two plates, and a couple of napkins. As I walk to the table again I notice something shinning out of the corner of my eye, I place everything down of the table and go to the trash can were the source of what every is shinning is coming from.

I look into the trash can a see an empty cake container reflecting the sun. Homemade huh that little liar, I knew it she can't even cook pancakes without burning them. I have an idea I think to myself and smirk as I go and sit down at the table awaiting the arrival of my girlfriend.

A few minutes later Camila walks back into the room with two candles, some matches, and her iPod. She walks over to the table and puts the candles down in the middle of the table carefully spreading them out evenly. Then goes to open the match box, I get up and take the matches for her hand "Let me" I say as I go to strike the first match.

"So Camz you made this cake all by yourself right?" I say as I light the first candle, "yep I did it all by myself are you proud?" She says with a little smirk of confidence. "Are you sure you didn't I don't know, buy it from the store and forget the throw the box away in the dumpster did you, surely not you're smarter than that." That wipe the smirk right off her face "Uhhh" "No" "you're such a bad liar Camz you left the box in the trash can you dork" "I have no idea what you're talking about" she says as she gets up and starts walking toward the exit of the kitchen.

"Where you going there Camz?" "No where" she says right before she takes off running. I smile as I quickly put out the candles and chase after her. I chase her to the living room first then down the hall until I finally caught up to her when she ran into the bedroom.

I grabbed her by the waist "So what are you going to do now hmm" I say with a smirk "I don't know I didn't really think this one out did I?" "Nope not at all but I have an idea" I say as I push her into the bed and then lay on top of her "I think I like this idea" she says "Oh shut up" I say as I lean down to connect our lips together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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