New Apartment

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Well its not the prettiest, smells like dead bodies, looks like a nut house, but its cheap and that's in my price range. My apartment number is 657 and I'm listening screams in pain beside me.

"OH SHIT MOTHA FUCKIN FIRE!!!!" A girl with red hair screamed whilst running around the hall in panic. "Ro its the 20th time today, put out the fucking fire and shut up." A male said peeping his head out his apartment door.

"I HATE FIRE! OH LAWRD JESUS ITS A FIRE." She scream whilst getting on her knees, I couldn't help but chuckle at whats happening. "Your a atheist you fucking dumb bitch." He face palmed. "Why you so cold man, can't you feel the heat of the FIRE!?" She screamed back. At this point I was drowning in tears from laughter. 

"Yet another." The male said referring to me. "Another?" I sassed. "Oh hi, ya see my house is on FIRE so mind if I stay at your place?" She asked me pleading on her knees. "Two things: One, no, two, Satan wants you to burn." I laughed whilst entering my house, all I heard from outside is "OH LAWRD JESUS SAVE ME FROM THIS CURSID NEIGHBOR!" Then I heard her mumble a few prayers before saying: "Oh shit I'm a atheist who am I praying to?" I then heard the man groan. "I just fucking said that!" 

"I want food." She said and then everything went quiet. Such a strange introduction with this Ro girl, and.... shes my neighbour.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::TimeSkip To 7 o'clock::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

I was watching the news when I heard four bangs on my door. I rolled off the couch and stumbled to the door. I opened the door to meet eyes with a familiar girl. "Heyyy, wanna come over?" She asked quickly. I slowly nodded my head unsure of what the right answer was.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into what I suspect is her apartment. When we got in she led me to a room with a stuffed dog and then guy from earlier. I awkwardly saluted him, and he gave me a look of 'Wtf is wrong with this bitch.' "So this dog his name is bobby" She interrupted my thought. "And this is Noah, hes my friend, he hates me but i fucking love him." She said frantically before turning to him. "Right Noah?!" He slowly turned his head to her and said: "Sure thing Ro."

"SO!" She screamed. "Whats your name?" She whispered. "Jinx." I said looking everywhere but into her eyes. "Awe Jinx don't be shy." She says whilst looking in my eyes. "You have BOOTY-FUL eyes." She chirped. "Ro your literally looking into the eyes of bad luck." Noah remarked, I snickered before Ro started screaming.

"NO NOAH!" She shouted whilst grabbing his cheeks forcing him to look at her.  "THE ONLY THING I BELIEVE IN IS SWEET BABY JEBUS!" Noah then gave a look of disappointment. She than slapped him before saying. "You liar! Im a atheist." I laughed before saying: "You two are a cute couple." 

Noah literally threw Ro across the room jumping back away himself. "Don't ever pair me, with that!" He demanded. I shrugged not really caring what he said and watched Ro get a knife from the drawer and charged and Noah. He dodged her attack and pinned her down.

I swear shes like a crazy fangirl. "How long have you known each other?" I asked trying to have a normal conversation. "Oh my lawrd you like Noah, get the marriage bells motha fucka ding dong ding!" She hopped out of Noah's grip and started dancing.  "Is this the apartment I thought it was or is it an a insane asylum?"  I asked awkwardly chuckling.

He walked past dancing Ro before turning around and making direct contact with me before saying "Both." Then the door closed and left Ro chanting vows. For the first time since that bitch, I was blushing. "Anyways you wanna know a lil back story or nawh?" She asked sounding completely normal. I nodded. 

"Long ago when this building was first put up, it was an asylum, where Noah and Jinx met and had sex... I'm tired." She then dropped to the floor sleeping. I decided it'd be a good time to leave and go to sleep as well. Just as I'm leaving I hear Ro say in the most serious and chilling voice I wouldn't expect from her. "Don't you dare leave your house between 10pm and 3am." I just said okay and rushed back into my house.

About few hours later I heard my tummy a grumblin which means I need food bitch food. I walked into my kitchen to pure horror, all my food is in my car downstairs. I love food more than I love my life, I was told not to leave but food is more important, die of starvation or whatever the fuck is out there. I chose deathachu! I decided to just go down in booty shorts, and a tank top with some sandals.

I walked down the ominous hallway to my beautiful food. I had just gotten to my car when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I screamed and looked to see the attacker but got a punch in the face instead. I swear after this I'm going to burn this place down I don't care what Ro thinks of fire.

I heard footsteps making its way toward me and ze attacker. I heard the attacker scream in pain and I turned to see Noah. He gave me a rather pissed off look I can't imagine why? "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He screamed at me. "I'm doing food." I say calmly. He grabbed the bridge of his nose. "H-how do you do food." He asked sounding so confused. "Well I mean you gotta be skilled." 

He shook his head. "Your lucky your not Ro I would've hit you so fucking hard." I chuckled. "Yeah." He looked really angry/confused until he realized my wound. "Oh your hurt." He said walking closer. "I'm good  I'm great I'm-" Noah then lightly poked my shoulder. "OH FUCK!- I mean I'm fine." 

"Mhm." He hummed whilst removing his sweater before putting it on me. "What are you doing?" I asked blushing. "We are in the coldest part of the building, you're in booty shorts and are bleeding just a bit." His tone dripping with sarcasm. He took out a medical kit and started treating my wound. "The real question is what the fuck are you doing in the basement with medical supplies." I asked. 

"Following you obviously, never can trust newcomers." He said bluntly whilst finishing my bandages. "Well then thanks bud." I say. ''Well I guess I can give you something in return." I added. "Well have you looked in the mirror, obviously you." He said with a chuckle. "Okay." I shrugged. "A-a wat?" He stuttered whilst blushing. "Well I mean your not really ugly, your kinda hot, I wouldn't mind seeing you naked and am not against it. I mean I don't really sleep around but I can make an exception with you." I rambled. "I mean-" I was cut off by two cold lips pressing against mine.

Guess he took my offer. It started getting pretty heated and his tongue slipped in my mouth, he was also fondling me, I loved every second of this, but it didn't last long thanks to our little friend Ro. "Yo yo yo its Ro turn down that stove." She said then she noticed us. "Oh oh oh Ro's gotta go. P.S sex in the basement is not as fun as it sounds, trust me." She chuckled. "No one should trust you Ro." Noah laughed. 

Before Noah stood up he pecked my lips before saying. "That was fun let's do it again sometimes this time without the interruption of Ro." He then winked at me and left. "TOLD YA MOTHA FUCKA DING DONG DING!" She screamed.

Before we all went our separate rooms.

And I didn't get my FUCKING food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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