Chapter 1 - When dreams trample the reality

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Allie’s gaze settled on a tree not far from where she was standing.  A maple, she thought, noticing the little helicopter things floating down from its leaves. But it was not the floating things, however, that made her gentle blue eyes widen. Just below the tiny hole, where she remembered seeing a bird before, (and when that ‘before’ is, she can’t even tell) is a word – no, not just a word, but as she came closer, recognized it as her own name – scrawled across the poor branch.  It was then that her memories from the other night came rushing back to her head like a waterfall. Why am I in this peculiar dream again?  She thought, remembering that she, herself, had scratched her own name there using a pointed stone. For no apparent reason she could remember.  She looked around, her eyes searching through the thick vegetation (which was hard, by the way, because the entire forest was shrouded with mist), and to her utter surprise, wedged between a root sticking out of the soil and a rock, was the stone she used.  “Impossible” she whispered and nearly jumped. The cold forest had become very still and quite that even hearing herself whisper seemed to raise goosebumps on her neck. “Creepy,” she said, but only to fill the silence that seemed to envelop her. But at that very same moment, she heard someone calling – or rather singing – her name.

 “Al-lie,” the voice called/sang.

She jumped a mile.

“Uh,” she uttered, not sure what to say.­ Wait – why does she know my name? She thought frantically, after pulling herself up.

“Al-lie,” her mom called, impatiently now, but still in a soft voice.


Suddenly, the forest blurred from her eyes until the tree she was facing spun slowly at first then faster, faster and abruptly  turned into a –

“Alliana! Wake up!” Her mom called from downstairs. “You’re gonna be late for school!”

Allie jolted upright, shocked out of the dream.

She gasped aloud, and remembering her mom, called “Alright, mom!”

She can still remember her dream so vividly; she even thought it was real, thank God, it wasn’t, she thought.  And the fact that this seemed like a part of the dream she had the other night only made her heart beat faster.

”Maybe I’m just tired”, she assured herself. “Maybe my head’s just full of imaginations and stuff.” Or maybe I’m going crazy now, she thought. But before she can think of more maybe’s, she jumped out of the bed and prepared herself for school.  However, she can’t seem to get rid of the chills creeping down her spine whenever she recalls the place. But a voice at the back of her mind whispered Oh, give it a rest Allie! It’s just a dream!

“Right.  It’s just a dream.”  She said. “Nothing more than a stupid dream,” Then she bounced down the stairs, thinking that she wouldn’t let a stupid dream ruin her day. She didn’t even know how wrong she was.

Allie jumped out of her chair as the bell for lunch rang. She hurried to the door and was not surprised to see her ever-so-punctual best friend Stacey – red ribbons bobbing at the top of  her blond hair, piercing hazel eyes that appears to be bulging slightly from their sockets and full lips colored with reddish pink that reminded Allie of a withered rose in a humid autumn afternoon – waiting for her.

“You’re late” she accused, flipping her hair, feigning annoyance. “I’ve been waiting for like – “

”5 seconds?” Allie cut her off, slightly annoyed herself.

“I was kidding, Allie” Stacey shot back, her eyes glistening like a dew drop.

“I know,” she said, rolling her eyes and walking out the door.

Living the unlivableTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon